You can take an inventory of what is included in your Windows® image by using Deployment Image Servicing and Management (DISM) servicing commands.
This topic describes how to get the following information about an image or component.
- Get Windows Image
- Get Windows PE
- Get Driver Information
- Get Package and Feature
- Get International
Settings and Languages
- Get Windows Edition
- Get Application Patch
Get Windows Image Information
You can use Windows image (WIM) commands to list the information about images within a .wim file, about a specific .wim file, and about mounted .wim files. This information can help you identify mount locations, image names, or verify the architecture of the image you are mounting.
For more information about WIM Commands available in DISM, see Deployment Image Servicing and Management Command-Line Options.
To list images contained in a .wim file
You can gather information about all of the images within a Windows Image (.wim) file by using the/Get-WimInfo servicing command in DISM. You can also gather information about a specific .wim file, such as operating system, architecture, settings, and other information contained in the WIM metadata.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about all of the images in a .wim file, at
the elevated command prompt, type:
DISM /Get-WIMInfo /WimFile:C:\test\images\install.wim
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Index |
The index value of the image in the .wim file. |
1 |
Name |
The Windows edition name of the image in the .wim file. |
Windows 7 HOMEBASIC |
Description |
The description of the image in the .wim file. |
Windows 7 HOMEBASIC |
Size |
The size of the image. |
8,045,951,502 bytes |
To list mounted images
You can identify the images that are currently mounted on your computer, and you can list information about the mounted image such as read/write permissions, mount location, mounted file path, and mounted image index by using the /Get-MountedWimInfo servicing command.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- At the elevated command prompt, type:
Dism /Get-MountedWIMInfo
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Mount Dir |
The location where the image is mounted. |
C:\Test\Mount |
Image File |
The full path to the .wim file. |
C:\Test\Images\install.wim |
Image Index |
The index number of the mounted image within the .wim file. |
1 |
Mounted Read/Write |
Yes if the mounted image allows both read and write access, No if the mounted image allows read-only access. |
Yes |
Status |
The mount status of the image. The possible values include: OK: The image is mounted. There are no problems. Needs Remount: The image needs to be remounted. This can be caused by rebooting the host system while the image is mounted. Invalid: the image is in an invalid state. You might need to use /Cleanup-Wim on the image. |
OK |
Get Windows PE Information
You can mount a Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) image for servicing in the same way you would any Windows image. There are also Windows PE servicing commands that are specific to a Windows PE image. These commands can be used to list Windows PE settings such as scratchspace, targetpath, and profiling information. For more information about Windows PE servicing commands available in DISM, see Windows PE Servicing Command-Line Options.
To list all settings in the mounted Windows PE image.
You can display a list of all of the Windows PE settings in the mounted Windows PE image, including current profiling state, scratch space settings, and target path settings in one DISM command. For more information about additional /Get commands for a Windows PE image, see Windows PE Servicing Command-Line Options.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about all of the Windows PE settings
in the mounted Windows PE image, at the elevated command
prompt, type:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-PESettings
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Profiling |
Reports whether Windows PE profiling is enabled or disabled. |
Disabled |
Scratch Space |
The amount of writeable space available on the Windows PE system volume when booted in ramdisk mode. |
32MB |
TargetPath |
The path to the root of the Windows PE image at boot time. |
X:\ |
Get Driver Information
The driver-servicing commands can be used to enumerate driver packages in the driver store based on their .inf files. You can use the/Get commands to display information about all driver packages, only third-party driver packages in an image, or information about a specific driver package.
For more information about driver-servicing commands available in DISM, see Driver Servicing Command-Line Options.
To list driver packages in the offline image
You can display basic information about third-party driver packages or all driver packages in the offline image. When you point to an offline image or a running operating system, you can find out what driver packages are in the image, and get information about the drivers.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- Use one of the following commands to list information about all
of the driver packages in an offline Windows image:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Drivers
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Drivers /all
Dism /online /Get-Drivers
Dism /online /Get-Drivers /all
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Published Name |
The name of the driver package after it is added to the driver store. |
Oem0.inf |
Original File Name |
The original .inf file name of the driver package. |
Toaster.inf |
Inbox |
Yes for a default driver (inbox driver), No for third-party driver packages. |
No |
Class Name |
The friendly name of the device class the driver is a member of. |
Printer |
Provider Name |
The provider or digital signature for the driver package. |
Microsoft |
Date |
The date associated with the driver, as it is specified in the .inf file. The date will be formatted appropriately for your locale. |
10/31/2006 |
Version |
The version number that is specified in the INF driverVer directive. |
6.1.6801.0 |
To get information about a specific driver
You can display detailed information about a specific installed .inf file, or one that is not yet installed. Installed drivers in the driver store will be named Oem0.inf, Oem1.inf, and so on.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- Type the following command to list information about a specific
driver package in the offline Windows image:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-DriverInfo /driver:D:\Drivers\Usb\oem1.inf
Dism /online /Get-DriverInfo /driver:D:\Drivers\Usb\oem1.inf
The report that is generated includes the following information.
![]() |
Note: |
If you point to a driver that is not yet installed, the report will be slightly different. |
Field | Description | Example |
Published Name |
The name of the driver package after it is added to the driver store. |
Oem0.inf |
Driver Store Path |
The path to the driver location. If the driver is installed, the path to the driver store is listed. If the driver is not installed yet, the path to the driver on the servicing host is listed. |
E:\Images\Mount_depset\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\Fasttx2k.inf_x86_neutral_0328f62e\Fasttx2k.inf |
Class Name |
The friendly name of the device class the driver is a member of. |
Printer |
Class GUID |
The GUID of the device class that the driver is a member of. |
{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} |
Date |
The date associated with the driver, as it is specified in the .inf file. The date will be formatted appropriately for your locale. |
8/6/2003 |
Version |
The driver version number that is specified in the INF driverVer directive. | |
Boot Critical |
Yes if the driver is boot critical, No if it is not. |
No |
Drivers for architecture |
The architecture of the image that it is installed on. If the driver is not installed yet, the field is reported repeatedly for each of the supported operating system architectures. |
x86 |
Manufacturer |
The manufacturer of the supported device. |
Adventure Works |
Description |
A description of the supported device. |
Windows XP Adventure Works 376 Controller |
Architecture |
The architecture of the driver. |
x86 |
Hardware ID |
The hardware ID of the supported device. |
ABC_3376 |
Service Name |
The service name of the driver. |
C1232k |
Compatible IDs |
Alternate Plug and Play (PnP) IDs for the device, if any apply. |
*12ABC |
Exclude IDs |
PnP IDs that will not match the device, any apply. |
*A_123 |
Get Package and Feature Information
You can use operating system package-servicing commands to get information about Windows packages. You can also use DISM and package-servicing commands to get information about Windows features, either offline or on a running Windows installation.
For more information about operating system package-servicing commands available in DISM, see Operating System Package Servicing Command-Line Options.
To list all packages in the image
You can display basic information about all packages in an offline image or a running operating system.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about all of the packages in the offline
Windows image, type the following command:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Packages
Dism /online /Get-Packages
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Package Identity |
The name of the package as it appears in the image. |
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.1.6772.0 |
State |
The current state of the package. Such as: Installed: The package is installed. Install Pending: The package is installed but requires a reboot to complete the pending online actions. Staged: The package is staged for installation. |
Installed |
Release Type |
The type of package that it is. Such as: Feature Pack: A Windows operating system feature. Language Pack: A Windows operating system Language pack or Language Interface Pack (LIP). Foundation: Core operating system components including optional features. |
Feature Pack |
Install Time |
The local date and time when the installation occurred. If the package is not installed yet, the Install Time field is left blank. |
8/18/2008 7:58:00 PM |
To list information about a specific package
You can display detailed information about a package provided as a .cab file. Only .cab files can be specified. You cannot use this command to get package information for .msu files. You can use the /Package-Path option to specify a .cab file or a folder where the .cab file is extracted. Alternately, you can use /Get-Packages to find the name of a package, and then use /Package-Name to specify the name of the package.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about a specific package in the offline
Windows image, type one of the following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo /PackagePath:C:\packages\
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-PackageInfo /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~
Dism /online /Get-PackageInfo /PackagePath:C:\packages\
Dism /online /Get-PackageInfo /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Package Identity |
The name of the package as it appears in the image. |
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.1.6772.0 |
Applicable |
Indicates if the package is applicable to the image. |
No |
Copyright |
Copyright information for the package. |
Copyright© Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. |
Company |
The company that provided the package, if available. |
Microsoft Corporation |
Creation Time |
The date and time the package was created, if available. |
8/18/2008 7:58:00 PM |
Description |
A brief description of the package. |
Fix for KB300106 |
Install Client |
The client tool that installed the package. |
DISM Package Manager Provider |
Install Package Name |
The installed package.mum file name. |
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.1.6772.0.mum |
Install Time |
The date and time the package was installed. If the package is not installed yet, the Install Time field is left blank. |
8/18/2008 7:58:00 PM |
Last Update Time |
The date the package was last updated, if available. |
8/18/2008 7:58:00 PM |
Name |
The display name of the package, localized if available. Generally, "default" will be displayed for all servicing packages. |
ActiveX® Installer Service |
Product Name |
The name of the product that the package belongs to, if available. |
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package |
Product Version |
The version of the product that the package belongs to, if available. |
123.01.0000 |
Restart Required |
Indicates if a reboot is required when installing or uninstalling the package. |
Possible |
Support Information |
Where to find support information, if available. | |
State |
Indicates if the package is installed in the operating system. Possible values include: Not Present: The package is not installed. Installed: The package is installed. Install Pending: The package will be installed but requires a reboot to complete pending online actions. Staged: The package is staged for installation. |
Installed |
Custom Properties |
A list of custom properties defined in the package manifest file. If there are no custom properties, (No custom properties found) will be displayed. |
Dependency: Language Pack |
Features listing for package |
A list of the features found in the package. If there is no feature in the package, the package identity will be displayed followed by (No features found for this package). |
Microsoft-Windows-NetFx3-OC-Package~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~en-US~6.1.6772.0 (No features found for this package) |
To list all features in the image
You can display basic information about all features in the image or all features in a package. You can use the /Get-Packages option to find the name of the package in the image, or you can specify the path to the original source of the package. If you do not specify a package name or path, all features in the image will be listed. The /PackagePath option can point to either a .cab file or a folder. Feature names are case sensitive.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the features in the offline Windows
image, type one of the following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Features /PackagePath:C:\packages\
Dism /online /Get-Features
Dism /online /Get-Features /PackageName:Microsoft.Windows.Calc.Demo~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~en~
Dism /online /Get-Features /PackagePath:C:\packages\
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Feature Name |
The name of the feature as it appears in the image. |
InboxGames |
State |
The current state of the feature. Possible values include:
Disabled |
To list information about a specific feature
You can display detailed information about a feature. You must use the /FeatureName option with the /Get command. Use the /Get-Features option to find the name of the feature in the image. Feature names are case sensitive. /PackageName and /PackagePath are optional and can be used to find information about a feature in a specific package.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about a specific feature in the offline
Windows image, type one of the following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:Hearts
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:LocalPack-GB /PackageName:Microsoft-Windows-LocalPack-GB-Package~6595b6144ccf1df~x86~~
Dism /online /Get-FeatureInfo /FeatureName:Hearts
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Feature Name |
Name of the feature. |
InboxGames |
Display Name |
The name of the feature as it appears in the user interface. |
Games |
Description |
A brief description of the feature. |
Standard inbox games. |
Restart Required |
Indicates if a restart is required when you enable or disable this feature. |
Yes |
State |
The current state of the feature. Possible values include: Enabled: The feature is enabled. Disabled: The feature is disabled. Enable Pending: The feature will be enabled but requires a reboot to complete pending online actions. Disable Pending: The feature will be disabled but requires a reboot to complete pending online actions. |
Disabled |
Custom Properties |
A list of custom properties defined in the package manifest file. If there are no custom properties, (No custom properties found) will be displayed. |
Dependency: Language Pack |
Get International Settings and Languages
The international servicing commands can be used to query existing international settings in Windows® 7 and Windows PE images. For more information about operating system package-servicing commands available in DISM, see Languages and International Servicing Command-Line Options.
![]() |
Important: |
International servicing commands cannot be used on a Windows Vista® or Windows Server® 2008 image. |
To list all international settings and languages
You can display information about international settings and languages. Use the /online option to display information about international settings and languages in the running operating system. Use /image:<path_to_offline_image_directory> to display information about international settings and languages in the offline image. When used with the /image and /distribution options, information about international settings and languages in the distribution is displayed.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about all of the international settings in
the offline Windows image, type one of the following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Intl
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /distribution:C:\windows_distribution\langpacks /Get-Intl
Dism /online /Get-Intl
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example | ||||
Default system UI language |
The language that is currently set as the default system UI language. |
en-US |
System locale |
The language for non-Unicode programs (also called system locale) and font settings. |
en-US |
Default timezone |
The time zone that is currently set as the default. |
Pacific Standard Time |
User locale for default user |
The "standards and formats" language (also called user locale) that is set for the default user. |
en-US |
Location |
The geographical location that is currently set for the operating system. For more information about geographical locations, see Table of Geographical Locations. |
United States |
Active keyboards |
The value pair for the active keyboard. In the example provided, 0409 is the language identifier and 00000409 is the keyboard identifier. |
0409:00000409 |
Default keyboards |
The value pair for the default keyboard. In the example provided, 0409 is the language identifier and 00000409 is the keyboard identifier. |
0409:00000409 |
Installed language(s) |
A list of all installed language packs. |
en-US |
Type |
The type of each installed language pack. For more information, see Understanding Multilingual Deployments. |
en-US Type: Fully localized language ar-SA Type: Partially localized language, MUI type Fallback Languages en-US, fr-FR |
Distribution languages |
A list of the languages that are available in the distribution share.
The default language in the distribution is: ja-JP The other available languages in the distribution are: bg-BG, nl-NL |
Keyboard layered driver |
A list of the keyboard drivers for Japanese or Korean keyboards, if any are installed. |
Japanese Keyboard (106/109 Key) |
Get Windows Edition Information
You can use the edition-servicing commands to get information about which editions of Windows 7 are available for upgrade.
For more information about Windows edition servicing commands available in DISM, see Windows Edition-Servicing Command-Line Options.
To get information about the current Windows editions
You can display information about the current edition of an offline Windows image or a running operating system.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the current edition of the offline
Windows image, type the following command:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-CurrentEdition
Dism /online /Get-CurrentEdition
To get information about target editions of Windows
Target editions are the editions of Windows that you can upgrade to. You can display information about the target editions of an offline Windows image or a running operating system.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the target edition of the offline
Windows image, type the following command:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-TargetEditions
Dism /online /Get-TargetEditions
Get Application Patch Information
Application servicing command-line options can be used on a offline image to check the applicability of Microsoft® Windows® Installer application patches (.msp files) and to query your offline image for information about installed Windows Installer applications and application patches (.msp files).
For more information about application servicing commands available in DISM, see Application Servicing Command-Line Options.
To list information about installed MSP patches
You can display detailed information about installed MSP patches filtered by patch and application. If the /PatchCode option is specified, detailed information is displayed for all Windows Installer applications that the patch is applied to. If the /ProductCode option is specified, information about all MSP patches in the specified application is displayed.
If the /PatchCode and /ProductCode options are both specified, information is displayed only if that specific patch is applied to the specified Windows Installer application. If the /PatchCode and /ProductCode options are not specified, all installed Windows Installer packages and MSP patches are displayed.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the MSP patches, type one of the
following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatchInfo
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatchInfo /PatchCode:{B0B9997C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDFFF}
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatchInfo /ProductCode:{B0F9497C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDF59}
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatchInfo /PatchCode:{B0B9997C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDFFF} /ProductCode:{B0F9497C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDF59}
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Patch Code |
A GUID identifying a particular Windows Installer package. The package code associates an .msi file with an application or product and can also be used for the verification of sources. |
{8ACD2816-595D-48AA-A43B-3523CAA4F692} |
Product Code |
A GUID that is the principal identification of an application or product. |
{7764DEFC-C5D1-413C-8428-2AA903BF6DAA} |
Patch Name |
The registered display name for the patch. For patches that do not include the DisplayName property in the MsiPatchMetadata table, the returned display name is an empty string. |
QFE9 - Non Removable |
Patch State |
1 if this patch is currently applied to the product. 2 if this patch has been superseded by another patch. 4 if this patch has been made obsolete by another patch. |
1 (Applied) |
Patch Uninstallable |
1 if the patch is marked as possible to uninstall from the product. In this case, the installer can still block the uninstallation if this patch is required by another patch that cannot be uninstalled. Otherwise 0 is reported. |
0 |
Help Link |
Where to find support information, if available. | |
Transforms |
The set of patch transforms applied to the product by the last patch installation. This value may not be available for per-user unmanaged applications if the user is not logged on to the computer. |
:App1RTMToApp1QFE9;:#App1RTMToApp1QFE9 |
Local Package |
The location of the local cached patch file used by the product. |
C:\Windows\Installer\132f5c.msp |
Install Date |
The date when the patch was applied to the product. |
20080912 |
To list information about MSP patches applied to an application
You can display information about all patches in the specified Windows Installer application. If the /PatchCode and /ProductCode options are both specified, information is displayed only if that specific patch is applied to the specified Windows Installer application. If the /PatchCode and /ProductCode options are not specified, all installed Windows Installer packages and MSP patches are displayed.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the MSP patches, type one of the
following commands:
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatches
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppPatches /ProductCode:{B0F9497C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDF59}
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Patch Code |
A GUID identifying a particular Windows Installer package. The package code associates an .msi file with an application or product and can also be used for the verification of sources. |
{8ACD2816-595D-48AA-A43B-3523CAA4F692} |
Product Code |
A GUID that is the principal identification of an application or product. |
{7764DEFC-C5D1-413C-8428-2AA903BF6DAA} |
Patch Name |
The registered display name for the patch. For patches that do not include the DisplayName property in the MsiPatchMetadata table, the returned display name is an empty string. |
QFE9 - Non Removable |
To list information about all Windows Installer applications
You can display information about all Windows Installer applications in the offline image.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the MSP patches, type the following
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-Apps
The report that is generated lists the product code and product name for applications that are installed in the offline image. For example:
Product Code : {DB935363-5A68-47AF-A55A-CFC90F2E83BC}
Product Name : MsiTestApplication2
To list information about a specific Windows Installer application
You can display information about a specific installed Windows Installer application.
- Click Start, click All Programs, click
Microsoft Windows OPK (or Windows AIK),
right-click the Deployment Tools Command Prompt, and then
click Run as administrator.
- To list information about the MSP patches, type the following
Dism /image:C:\test\offline /Get-AppInfo /ProductCode:{B0F9497C-GUID-GUID-GUID-74D866BBDF59}
The report that is generated includes the following information.
Field | Description | Example |
Product Code |
A GUID that is the principal identification of an application or product. |
{DB935363-5A68-47AF-A55A-CFC90F2E83BC} |
Product Name |
The name of the application. |
MsiTestApplication2 |
Product State |
The installation state for the product at initialization. -1 if the product is neither advertised nor installed. 1 if the product is advertised but not installed. 2 if the product is installed for a different user. 5 if the product is installed for the current user. |
5 (Installed) |
Package Code |
A GUID identifying a particular Windows Installer package. The package code associates an .msi file with an application or product and can also be used for the verification of sources. |
{C67CA1AE-6074-4810-BD74-F6BBB609744A} |
Product Version |
The version of the product in string format. |
1.0.0 |
Assignment Type |
0 if the product is advertised or installed per-user. 1 if the product is advertised or installed per-machine for all users. |
1 (Per-Machine) |
Publisher |
The name of the manufacturer for the product. |
Microsoft MSI Test |
Language |
The decimal identifier for the product language. |
1033 |
Install Source |
The directory that contains the source .cab file or the source file tree of the installation package. |
E:\Testpkg\App2_RTM\ |
Package Name |
The name of the original installation package. |
MsiTestApplication2.msi |
Help Link |
Where to find support information, if available. | |
Transforms |
The set of patch transforms applied to the product by the last patch installation. This value may not be available for per-user unmanaged applications if the user is not logged on to the computer. |
C:\Windows\Installer\{BDB20E90-3ACD-450B-BBDE-61E39687C6B1}\ACBlueT02.mst |
Local Package |
The location of the local cached package. |
C:\Windows\Installer\132f3b.msi |
Install Date |
The date the application was installed. |
20080912 |