
Modifies the virtual hard disk configuration information contained within a virtual machine configuration.


The Set-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration modifies the virtual hard disk configuration information that is contained within a virtual machine configuration.

For more information about Set-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration, type: "Get-Help Set-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a virtual hard disk configuration object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the deployment option for a virtual hard disk. Valid values are: None, UseFastest, UseTarget, UseNetwork, UseSAN, UseDifferencing, UseExistingVirtualDisk.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the destination path for a virtual hard disk.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the file name to use when you rename a virtual hard disk file as you add it to a virtual machine.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether the destination location chosen by the user is retained during service deployment configuration.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether the file name chosen by the user is retained during service deployment configuration.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether the source location chosen by the user is retained during service deployment configuration.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether the storage disk chosen by the user is retained during service deployment configuration.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the source virtual hard disk.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a storage classification object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a disk on a Hyper-V or VMware ESX host that a virtual machine on that host can use instead of using a virtual hard disk. This disk is referrred to as a pass-through disk (the corresponding VMware term is Raw Device Mapping, or RDM). The host disk is either a local hard disk or a logical unit on a Storage Area Network (SAN). VMM lets the virtual machine bypass the host's file system and access the pass-through disk directly.

------------   -------------------------
Hyper-V		Supports pass-through disks
   Supports converting a pass-through disk to a VHD
VMware ESX	 Supports pass-through disks (RDP), but not disk conversion
Citrix XenServer Does not support pass-through disks


1: Set the properties of a virtual hard disk configuration.
PS C:\> $ServiceConfig = Get-SCServiceConfiguration -Name "Service01" 
PS C:\> $TierConfig = Get-SCComputerTierConfiguration -ServiceConfiguration $ServiceConfig
PS C:\> $VMConfig = Get-SCVMConfiguration -ComputerTierConfiguration $TierConfig
PS C:\> $VHDConfig = Get-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration -VMConfiguration $VMConfig[0]
PS C:\> $VHD = Get-SCVirtualHardDisk -Name "Win2k8R2BaseDisk.vhd"
PS C:\> Set-SCVirtualHardDiskConfiguration -VHDConfiguration $VHDConfig -SourceDisk $VHD -PinSourceLocation $True
The first command gets the service configuration object named Service01 and stores the object in the $ServiceConfig variable.

The second command gets the computer tier configuration for the service configuration object stored in $ServiceConfig and stores the object in the $TierConfig variable.

The third command gets the virtual machine configuration for the computer tier configuration stored in $TierConfig and stores the object in the $VMConfig variable.

The fourth command gets the virtual hard disk configuration for the first virtual machine configuration stored in $VMConfig and stores the object in the $VHDConfig variable.

The fifth command gets the virtual hard disk object named Win2k8R2BaseDisk.vhd from the library and stores the object in the $VHD variable.

The last command updates the PinSourceLocation property in the virtual hard disk configuration stored in $VHDConfig for the source virtual hard disk stored in $VHD to pin the value of the source virtual hard disk, thereby preventing it from being changed during placement.

See Also