
Configures dynamic optimization for a host group.


The Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration cmdlet configures dynamic optimization for a host group.

For more information about Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration, type: "Get-Help Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a dynamic optimization configuration object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the level of improvement required before migrating a virtual machine from one host to another in order to load balance virtual machines. The higher the aggressiveness, the more resulting live migrations; the lower the aggressiveness, the fewer resulting live migrations. Valid values are: 1 through 5. The default value is 3 (Medium).


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Prompts for confirmation before running the command.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Enables power optimization when set to $True.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the frequency, in minutes, at which dynamic optimization will run when set to automatic mode.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that dynamic optimization automatically migrates virtual machines in order to load balance.


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a dynamic optimization configuration object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Prompts for confirmation before running the command.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a dynamic optimization configuration object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Prompts for confirmation before running the command.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether settings are inherited from the parent host group.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a dynamic optimization configuration object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Prompts for confirmation before running the command.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that dynamic optimization will not run automatically.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1: Enable automatic mode for a dynamic optimization configuration.
PS C:\> $HostGroup = Get-SCVMHostGroup "HostGroup01"
PS C:\> $DOConfig = Get-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration -VMHostGroup $HostGroup
PS C:\> Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration -DynamicOptimizationConfiguration $DOConfig -AutomaticMode
The first command gets the host group object named HostGroup01 and stores the object in the $HostGroup variable.

The second command gets the dynamic optimization configuration object for the host group stored in $HostGroup and stores the object in the $DOConfig variable.

The last command enables automatic mode for the dynamic optimization configuration stored in $DOConfig.
2: Enable power optimization for a host group.
PS C:\> $HostGroup = Get-SCVMHostGroup "HostGroup01"
PS C:\> $DOConfig = Get-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration -VMHostGroup $HostGroup 
PS C:\> Set-SCDynamicOptimizationConfiguration -DynamicOptimizationConfiguration $DOConfig -EnablePowerOptimization $True
The first command gets the host group object named HostGroup01 and stores the object in the $HostGroup variable.

The second command gets the dynamic optimization configuration object for the host group stored in $HostGroup and stores the object in the $DOConfig variable.

The last command enables power optimization for the dynamic optimization configuration stored in $DOConfig.

See Also