
Modifies a baseline by adding or removing updates or assignment scopes.


The Set-SCBaseline cmdlet modifies a baseline by adding or removing updates or assignment scopes. A baseline is a list of updates which, together with scope assignments, can grade the compliance of required updates for System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) fabric servers.

For more information about Set-SCBaseline, type: "Get-Help Set-SCBaseline -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? 0
Specifies a VMM baseline object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Adds one or more virtual machine hosts or clusters to a baseline assignment scope.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Adds one or more software updates to a baseline.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
States a description for the specified object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies an identifier for a series of commands that will run as a set just before the final command that includes the same job group identifier runs. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies that job progress is tracked and stored in the variable named by this parameter. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the name of a VMM object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the ID of the PRO tip that triggered this action. This allows for auditing of PRO tips.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Removes one or more VMMManagedComputer, VMHostCluster, or VMHostGroup objects from a baseline assignment scope.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Removes one or more software updates from a baseline.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates that the job runs asynchronously so that control returns to the command shell immediately. 


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Identifies the last command of a jobgroup and starts running the commands within the jobgroup. This parameter must be used with the JobGroup parameter.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1: Modify an exiting baseline by adding updates and an assignment scope.
PS C:\> $Cluster = Get-SCVMHostCluster -Name “Cluster01”
PS C:\> $Baseline = Get-SCBaseline –Name “Security Baseline”
PS C:\> $Update = Get-SCUpdate –SecurityBulletinId “MS05-055”
PS C:\> Set-SCBaseline -Baseline $Baseline –AddUpdates $Update –AddAssignmentScope $Cluster
The first command gets the cluster object named Cluster01 and stores the object in the $Cluster variable.

The second command gets the baseline object named Security Baseline and stores the object in the $Baseline variable.

The third command gets the security bulletin update object named MS05-051 and stores the object in the $Update variable.

The last command adds the update stored in $Update (MS05-051) to the baseline stored in $Baseline (Security Baseline) and sets the assignment scope to the object stored in $Cluster (Cluster01).
2: Remove an update and an assignment scope from an existing baseline.
PS C:\> $Cluster = Get-SCVMHostCluster –Name “Cluster01”
PS C:\> $Baseline = Get-SCBaseline -Name “Security Baseline”
PS C:\> $Update = Get-SCUpdate -SecurityBulletinId “MS05-055”
PS C:\> Set-SCBaseline -Baseline $Baseline –RemoveUpdates $Update -RemoveAssignmentScope $Cluster
The first command gets the cluster object named Cluster01 and stores the object in the $Cluster variable.

The second command gets the baseline object named Security Baseline and stores the object in the $Baseline variable.

The third command gets the security bulletin update object named MS05-051 and stores the object in the $Update variable.

The last command removes the update stored in $Update (MS05-051) from the baseline stored in $Baseline (Security Baseline) and removes the assignment scope stored in $Cluster (Cluster01).

See Also