
Creates a load balancer method object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP.


The New-SCLoadBalancingMethod cmdlet creates a load balancer method object that is used when you create a load balancer virtual IP.

For information about creating a load balancer virtual IP, type: "Get-Help New-SCLoadBalancerVIP -detailed".

For more information about New-SCLoadBalancingMethod, type: "Get-Help New-SCLoadBalancingMethod -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the name of a VMM object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a string used to attribute an object or property.


1: Create a load balancing method object.
PS C:\> $LBMethod = New-SCLoadBalancingMethod -Name "LeastConnections"
This command creates a load balancing method object named Least Connections and stores the object in the $LBMethod variable.

See Also