
Gets virtual machine checkpoint objects from the VMM database.


The Get-SCVMCheckpoint cmdlet gets one or more virtual machine checkpoint objects from the System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) database. 

A virtual machine checkpoint is a point-in-time "snapshot" of a virtual machine. You can use the checkpoint to revert a virtual machine to a previous state. For more information about VMM checkpoints, type: "Get-Help New-VMCheckpoint -detailed".

For more information about Get-SCVMCheckpoint, type: "Get-Help Get-SCVMCheckpoint -online".



Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the numerical identifier (as a globally unique identifier, or GUID) for a specific object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies the most recent VMM virtual machine checkpoint object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a virtual machine object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1: Get all existing checkpoints for each virtual machine.
PS C:\> Get-SCVMCheckpoint -VMMServer ""
This command gets all existing checkpoint objects for each virtual machine managed by VMMServer01 and displays information about these checkpoint objects to the user. 
2: Get all checkpoints for one or more virtual machines with a specific name.
PS C:\> $Checkpoints = Get-SCVMCheckpoint -VM "VM01" 
PS C:\> $Checkpoints
The firstcommand gets all checkpoint objects for virtual machine VM01 and stores the objects in the $Checkpoints object array.

The second command displays information about the checkpoint objects in $Checkpoints.
3: Get the hardware profile of the most recently created checkpoint on a VM deployed on a Hyper-V host.
PS C:\> $VM = Get-SCVirtualMachine -Name "VM01"
PS C:\> $Checkpoint = $VM | Get-SCVMCheckpoint -MostRecent
PS C:\> $Checkpoint.CheckpointHWProfile
The first command gets the virtual machine object named VM01 and stores the object in the $VM variable.

The second command gets the most recent checkpoint object created for VM01 and stores the object in the $Checkpoint variable.

The last command displays information about the hardware profile for checkpoint stored in $Checkpoint (the most recent checkpoint object created for VM01).
4: Display the .NET type, events, methods, and properties for checkpoint objects.
PS C:\> $Checkpoints = Get-SCVMCheckpoint -VMMServer ""
PS C:\> $Checkpoints | Get-Member
PS C:\> $Checkpoints | Get-Member | Format-List
The first command gets all checkpoint objects on VMMServer01 and stores the objects in the $Checkpoints object array.

The second command passes each checkpoint object in $Checkpoints to the Get-Member cmdlet, which displays the .NET TypeName and the Name, MemberType, and Definition for each event, method, and property associated with this object type.

The last command is the same as the second command except that it pipes the output to the Format-List cmdlet so that you can see the complete definition for each event, method, and property for the checkpoint object type.

See Also