
Gets a user role quota object.


The Get-SCUserRoleQuota gets a System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) user role quota object. Two user role quota objects are returned for a self-service user role per private cloud: one object contains information about the role-level quota, and the other object contains information about member-level quota. The QuotaPerUser property allows you to return just one of the objects. When QuotaPerUser is set to True, only the member-level quota object is returned. When set to False, only the role-level quota object is returned.

For more information about Get-SCUserRoleQuota, type: "Get-Help Get-SCUserRoleQuota -online".



Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? 0
Specifies a user role object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a private cloud object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Indicates whether the cmdlet sets or retrieves user level quotas or member level quotas. Specifying $True indicates member level quotas. Specifying $False indicates role level quotas. If the parameter is not used, both quotas are set or returned.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1: Get per-user virtual machine count quota for a specific private cloud.
PS C:\> $Cloud = Get-SCCloud -Name "Cloud01"
PS C:\> $Role = Get-SCUserRole -Name "ContosoSelfServiceUsers"
PS C:\> $Quota = Get-SCUserRoleQuota -Cloud $Cloud -UserRole $Role -QuotaPerUser $True
PS C:\> Write-Output $Quota.VMCount
The first command gets the private cloud object named Cloud01 and stores the object in the $Cloud variable.

The second command gets the user role object named ContosoSelfServiceUsers and stores the object in the $Role variable.

The third command gets the user role quota for the private cloud stored in $Cloud (Cloud01) and user role stored in $Role (ContosoSelfServiceUsers). The QuotaPerUser parameter set to true indicates that the quota for members will be returned.

The last command displays the virtual machine count quota to the user.

See Also