
Gets cloud usage data for a specified private cloud in VMM.


The Get-SCCloudUsage cmdlet gets cloud usage data for a specified private cloud in System Center Virtual Machine Manager (VMM). Cloud usage data includes the following:

- Number of CPUs
- Custom quota points
- Amount of memory (in MB)
- Amount of storage (in GB) 
- Number of Virtual Machines

You can scope this data to usage per user role and per user.

For more information about Get-SCCloudUsage, type: "Get-Help Get-SCCloudUsage -online".



Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a private cloud object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


Required? true
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a private cloud object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a the name of a user. Enter a user name with the format Domain\User.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? false
Position? named
Specifies a user role object.


Required? false
Accept Pipeline Input? true (ByValue)
Position? named
Specifies a VMM server object.


1: Get the usage information for a specified private cloud.
PS C:\> $Cloud = Get-SCCloud -Name "Cloud01"
PS C:\> Get-SCCloudUsage -Cloud $Cloud
The first command gets the private cloud object named Cloud01 and stores the object in the $Cloud variable.

The second command gets the cloud usage information for the private cloud stored in $Cloud and displays the following information to the user:

- CPUUsageCount
- CustomQuotaUsageCount
- MemoryUsageMB
- StorageUsageGB
- VMUsageCount
2: Get the usage information for a specified private cloud for a specified user role.
PS C:\> $Cloud = Get-SCCloud -Name "Cloud01"
PS C:\> $UserRole = Get-SCUserRole -Name "SelfServiceUsers"
PS C:\> Get-SCCloudUsage -Cloud $Cloud -UserRole $UserRole
The first command gets the private cloud object named Cloud01 and stores the object in the $Cloud variable.

The second command gets the user role object named SelfServiceUsers and stores the object in the $UserRole variable.

The last command gets the cloud usage information for the private cloud stored in $Cloud and the user role stored in $UserRole. Then, the command displays the cloud usage information to the user.
3: Get the usage information for a specified private cloud for a specified user within a user role.
PS C:\> $Cloud = Get-SCCloud -Name "Cloud01"
PS C:\> $UserRole = Get-SCUserRole -Name "SelfServiceUsers"
PS C:\> Get-SCCloudUsage -Cloud $Cloud -UserRole $UserRole -UserName "Contoso\Katarina"
The first command gets the private cloud object named Cloud01 and stores the object in the $Cloud variable.

The second command gets the user role object named SelfServiceUsers and stores the object in the $UserRole variable.

The last command gets the cloud usage information for the private cloud stored in $Cloud and the user named Katarina who is in the user role named SelfServiceUsers. Then, the command displays the cloud usage information to the user.

See Also