Understanding MPF Requests in TraceView

TraceView shows MPF requests as a 'call tree', starting with a node for the initial request as received by MPF, and then subsequent nodes for each MPF request construct, such as execute, before/after transforms, forEach, try/catch, etc.  As you expand each node, you will see child nodes that represent additional MPF request constructs.

Example Request

Consider the following MPF request:

<organization name="tailspintoys.com" />
-<execute namespace="Test Namespace" procedure="Write Request">
<forEach name="organization" root="data" path="organizations/organization" />
<before source="organization" destination="executeData" />

If you submit this request to MPF, and you've started real-time tracing with TraceView, TraceView will look like this:

The node selected in the picture represents the request as received by MPF. When you scroll down in the right-hand pane, you will see additional information including the XML of the MPF request.

If you expand all the nodes in the tree, it will look like the following:

To view in-depth information for any node in the tree, click on the desired node and view the contents of the right-hand pane.

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