Use this tab to apply additional program settings such as program dependencies.
You can configure the following settings:
- Run another program first
- Select this check box when this task sequence requires another program (in another package) to run before it. By default, this check box is cleared. The program that you specify to run first does not need to be advertised separately.
- Package
- When you select Run another program first, enter or browse for the package that contains the program that must run before this task sequence.
- Program
- When you select Run another program first, select the
program that must run before this task sequence from the
Program drop-down list.
- If the selected program fails to run on a
client, the task sequence will not be run.
- If the selected program runs successfully, it
will not be run again, even if the task sequence is rerun on the
same client.
- If the selected program fails to run on a
client, the task sequence will not be run.
- Disable this task sequence on computers where it is advertised
- If this check box option is selected, all advertisements that contain this task sequence are temporarily disabled. The task sequence is removed from the list of advertisements available to run and will not run until it has been re-enabled. By default, this check box is cleared.
- Maximum run time
- A whole number, greater than zero, that represents the time (in minutes) required to run the task sequence on the destination computer.
- Use Boot Image
- Enable this option to use the specified boot image when running the task sequence. Change the boot image by clicking Browse to locate and select another boot image. Deselect this option to disable use of the specified boot image when running the specified task sequence.
- This task sequence can run on any platform
- If this option is selected, Configuration Manager 2007 does not check the platform type of the destination computer when advertising the task sequence. This option is selected by default.
- This task sequence can only run on the specified client platforms
- This option specifies the processors, operating systems, and service packs on which this task sequence can run. When this option is selected, at least one platform must also be selected from the list displayed. By default, no platforms are selected. Configuration Manager 2007 uses this information when evaluating which destination computers in a collection receive the advertised task sequence.When a task sequence is run from boot media or by PXE boot, this option is ignored and the task sequence runs as though the option This program can run on any platform is selected.