Use the Windows Version tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 configuration item properties dialog box to specify the Windows version information that is applicable to the operating system configuration item. Client computers running operating system versions that are different from those specified will not include this operating system configuration item in their compliance evaluation.
This tab contains the following elements:
- Specify Windows version by description
- Identifies the Windows version by description rather than details such as version numbers. Select one of the descriptions from the dropdown list.
- Specify Windows version by details
- Identifies the Windows version by details such as version
numbers rather than by description. Type in each of the following
version numbers:
- Major version
- Minor version
- Build number
- Service Pack major version
- Service Pack minor version
You can use the winver.exe command from a Windows command prompt to display the full Windows version. - Major version
- OK
- Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.
- Cancel
- Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.
- Apply
- Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.
- Help
- Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.