Use this tab to configure how users can access distribution points for driver packages.

You can configure the following settings:

UI Element List

Access distribution folder through common Configuration Manager 2007 package share

The driver package is accessed through the common Configuration Manager 2007 package share (SMSPKGx$, where x is the drive letter) on distribution points. By default, this option is selected.
Share distribution folder

The driver package will be created on distribution points with an administrator-specified share and path name.
Share name

If you select Share distribution point, enter a unique share name and path to be created for the driver package source files on distribution points. See the section Share names later in this document.
Package update settings

Specify the disconnect settings that will take effect when Configuration Manager 2007 updates driver packages on distribution points.
Disconnect users from distribution points

Select this option to notify users before disconnecting them from distribution points when Configuration Manager 2007 updates package data. By default, this check box is cleared.
Number of retries before disconnecting users

The number of times that Configuration Manager 2007 tries to update the driver package source files before disconnecting users who are connected to the distribution point. The default setting is 2; you can specify 0 to 99, inclusive.
Interval between user notification and disconnection

The number of minutes Configuration Manager 2007 should wait after notifying users before disconnecting them from distribution points. The default setting is 5 minutes; you can specify 0 to 59 minutes, inclusive.