Hardware Asset Intelligence reports provide information about hardware assets within your organization, including age and upgrade readiness. Using hardware inventory information, such as processor age and speed, memory, peripheral devices, and more, Asset Intelligence hardware reports are able to present information about USB devices, hardware in need of upgrade, and even computers that are not ready for a specific software upgrade.

Drill-through Hierarchy

The following diagram shows the hierarchy and drill-through order of the Hardware Asset Intelligence reports.

Hardware Reports diagram


The following table lists reports in the Hardware Asset Intelligence Reports category and provides a brief description of their purpose. Also noted is the report that can be drilled through to from the report. For more information, see About Report Links.

Several reports drill through to the Computer Details report. For more information about the Computer Details report, see About the Computer Details Page
Some user data in these reports is gathered from the System Security Event Log. For better report accuracy, it is recommended that this log be cleared when reassigning a computer to a new user.

Report Description

Hardware 01A - Summary of Computers in a Specific Collection

This report provides a summary view of all of the computers in a collection.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 02A - Estimated Computer Age by Ranges within a Collection

This report lists a number of yearly quarters and a count of the computers whose birth dates fall within that quarter. It is useful for migration planning.

Drill through to Hardware 02B - Computers within an age range within a collection report.

Hardware 02B - Computers within an age range within a collection

This report lists all computers that have a CPU that was manufactured within a specified date range.

Available from Hardware 02A - Estimated Computer Age by Ranges within a Collection report.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 03A - Primary computer users

This report lists all users who are a primary console user of at least one computer and the number of computers for which they are a primary console user. Help desk can use this report to determine the primary contact for a computer. Highlights users that are primary console users for multiple computers.

Drill through to Hardware 03B - Computers for a Specific Primary Console User report.

Hardware 03B - Computers for a Specific Primary Console User

This report gives a summary of all computers for which a specified user is the primary console user.

Available from the following reports:

  • Hardware 03A - Primary computer users

  • Hardware 05A - Console Users on a Specific Computer

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 04A - Shared (multi-user) Computers

This report lists computers within a specified collection that do not have a single user with a login time greater than 66 percent. Can be used to help detect computers that are used as kiosks and terminal servers.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 05A - Console Users on a Specific Computer

This report lists every console user who has logged on to a specific computer.

Drill through to Hardware 03B - Computers for a Specific Primary Console User.

Hardware 06A - Computers for Which Console Users Could not be Determined

This report lists computers for which the primary console user cannot be determined, typically because security logging is not enabled or the logs have been purged.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 07A - USB Devices by Manufacturer

This report lists USB devices being used on computers of a collection, organized by manufacturer. Can help identify mass storage units and other USB devices that can be limited or blocked using Vista.

Drill through to Hardware 07B - USB Devices by Manufacturer and Description report.

Hardware 07B - USB Devices by Manufacturer and Description

This report provides descriptions of USB devices made by a specified manufacturer.

Available from Hardware 07A - USB Devices by Manufacturer report.

Drill through to Hardware 07C - Computers with a Specific USB Device report.

Hardware 07C - Computers with a Specific USB Device

This report lists all computers that have been connected to a specified USB device.

Available from Hardware 07B - USB Devices by Manufacturer and Description report.

Drill through to Hardware 07D - USB Devices on a Specific Computer report.

Hardware 07D - USB Devices on a Specific Computer

This report lists all USB devices connected to a specific computer.

Available from Hardware 07C - Computers with a Specific USB Device report.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 08A - Hardware that is Not Ready for a Software Upgrade

This report states the minimum requirements for installation of a specified software product and lists all computers that do not meet the minimum disk, memory, processor, or operating system requirements for that product.

CPU Requirement, Memory Requirement, Free Disk Requirement, and Total Disk Requirement columns indicate whether this criterion has failed the requirements check.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 09A - Search for computers

This report provides a summary of computers matching keyword filters on computer name, SMS site, domain, top console user, operating system, manufacturer, or model.

Drill through to Computer Details.

Hardware 10A - Computers that have Changed within a Specified Collection

This report identifies all computers with changes to specified inventory objects within a specified collection and time period.

The following list identifies the inventory classes that provide change information for this report.

  • BIOS

  • CD-ROM

  • Disk

  • Partition

  • Motherboard

  • Network Adapter

  • Operating System

  • Parallel Port

  • Pointing Device

  • Keyboard

  • Processor

  • SCSI Controller

  • Services

  • Tape Drive

  • Desktop Monitor

  • IDE Controller

  • Sound Devices

  • USB Controller

  • Video Controller

  • System Enclosure

  • Installed Software

  • Installed Software MS

  • Auto-Start Software

  • Browser Helper Object

A change in any one of these classes will cause the affected computer to be listed in this report.

Drill through to Hardware 10B - Changes on a Specified Computer within a Time Range report.

Hardware 10B - Changes on a Specified Computer within a Time Range

This report provides a summary of changes to specified inventory objects for a specified computer and time period.

See report Hardware 10A - Computers that have Changed within a Specified Collection for a list of contributing classes.

Available from Hardware 10A - Computers that have Changed with a Specified Collection report.

Drill through to Hardware 10C - Changes in a specified class on a specified computer report.

Hardware 10C - Changes in a specified class on a specified computer

This report lists the details of all changes in specified inventory objects for a specified computer and time period.

See report Hardware 10A - Computers that have Changed within a Specified Collection for a list of contributing classes.

Available from Hardware 10B - Changes on a Specified Computer within a Time Range report.

See Also