Status filter rules provide a way to automatically process status messages when they arrive at a site (status messages are passed up from child sites). You can have an unlimited number of filter rules. Each one specifies certain message criteria, such as the component that generated the message, its severity, and its properties. Each message passes through the site's status message filter until it matches all criteria in a filter rule. If you want to achieve behavior when fewer criteria are met, create multiple filter rules, each with a single criterion. Messages then need only match one of the criteria.
When a status message matches a filter rule, the actions specified for that filter rule are performed, such as running a program, writing the message to the Configuration Manager site database, or replicating the message to the parent site.
Status filter rules are evaluated in the order in which they are listed, from top to bottom, in the results pane of Status Filter Rules. However, a possible status filter rule action is "Do not process lower-priority status filter rules." In this case, when a status message matches that filter rule, no other lower priority filter rules are evaluated.