Use the Choose Target Collection page in the Configuration Manager 2007 Import Computer Information Wizard to specify whether the imported computers are added to an existing collection.

For a computer to receive an operating system deployment, it must be a member of a collection.

This page contains the elements as described in the following table.

UI Element List

Name Description

Do not add computers to a collection

Specifies that the imported computers are not added to an existing collection. By default, this setting is selected.

Add computers to an existing collection

Specifies that the imported computers are added to the selected collection. Enter the collection name or click Browse to choose the collection from the Browse Collection dialog box. The imported computers will be statically added to the specified collection.


Navigates to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.


Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also