Use the Distribution Settings page in the Configuration Manager 2007 New Package Wizard to specify the sender and priority to use when sending this package to another site, as well as to specify your branch distribution point content settings.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Sending priority

Specifies the priority of this package when sent to another site. Three priorities are available:

  • High

  • Medium (default setting)

  • Low

Packages are sent in priority order, and packages with identical priorities are sent in order of creation.

Preferred sender

Specifies the sender to be used to send this package to other sites. You can specify any sender configured for the site or No Preference (the default setting), which uses any available sender.

To distribute package content using physical media, you must select Courier Sender as the preferred sender.

Automatically download content when packages are assigned to branch distribution points

Specifies that the package will be automatically downloaded to all branch distribution points that are selected as distribution points for the package. This is the default option. The other option available is to have the administrator manually copy the package to the branch distribution point.

When this option is selected, the following additional option is available:

  • Make this package available on protected distribution points when requested by clients inside the protected boundaries: Specifies whether the package is available for download to a branch distribution point that has not already been specifically designated as a distribution point when requested by a client located within the protected boundaries of that branch distribution point. If this option is selected, a client request will cause the local branch distribution point to download the package. After the content is successfully provisioned on the branch distribution point, a subsequent client request will be able to download and run this content.

    Download content on demand is available only for protected branch distribution points. If a branch distribution point is configured but not protected, the management point will not trigger the package download.

Administrator manually copies this package to branch distribution points

Specifies that the administrator must manually copy this package to the branch distribution points. It will not be automatically downloaded.

Allow this package to be transferred via multicast

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 or later.

Specifies that this operating system deployment package can be transferred using multicast. Multicast is a feature that conserves network bandwidth by simultaneously sending data to multiple clients rather than copying and sending the data to each client over a separate connection.

Multicast is available only for operating system deployment packages.

Encrypt packages when transferred via multicast

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 or later.

Specifies that the package should be encrypted when transferred to clients using multicast.

Only transfer this package via multicast

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 or later.

Specifies that the package should be transferred only by using multicast.


Goes to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.


Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also