Use the Classifications page in the Configuration Manager 2007 New Site Role Wizard or New Site Server Wizard to specify the classifications for which the software updates are synchronized. The software updates classifications are as follows:

The classifications can be configured only on the software update point that is highest in the hierarchy, which is configured to synchronize with Microsoft Updates. If this software update point is configured to synchronize with an upstream server, this page is hidden and the update classifications are based on the classifications configured at the software update point highest in the hierarchy, most often the central site.

This page contains the elements as described in the following table.

Name Description

All Classifications

Specifies that software updates in all classifications are synchronized. Each classification is selected automatically when selecting the All Classifications option.

Classification name

Specifies that software updates in the selected classification are synchronized. One or more classifications can be selected.


Goes to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.


Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also