These task sequence variables govern the operation of the task sequence action. Variables marked as input variables are read or used by the task sequence action. In most cases, input variables correspond to task sequence action fields in the task sequence editor and can be set via that user interface. Alternatively, input variables can be set at runtime from per-collection or per-computer variables, via the Set Task Sequence Variable action or via the TSEnvironment COM object. Variables marked as output variables are written or set by the task sequence action to be read by later actions in the task sequence.

Prepare Windows for Capture Task Sequence Action

Action Variable Name Description



Specifies whether sysprep should build a mass storage device driver list. This setting applies only to Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. It will populate the [SysprepMassStorage] section of sysprep.inf with information on all the mass storage drivers that should be supported by the image to be captured.

Valid values:


"false" (default)



Specifies whether sysprep should reset the product activation flag.

Valid values:


"false" (default)



Specifies the path to the Windows directory of the installed operating system on the reference computer. This operating system is verified as being a supported operating system for capture by Configuration Manager 2007.

See Also