Topic Last Updated—August 2008

Configuration items in Configuration Manager 2007 contain discrete items of configuration information at a level you need to manage compliance. When they are added to configuration baselines with configuration baseline rules, they are used to determine compliance of client computers.

You can export a configuration item from Configuration Manager 2007 in a cabinet (.cab) file format, providing that it was created at that site. You can then import it to the same or a different Configuration Manager 2007 site. Configuration data is converted to DCM Digest.

This procedure allows you to back up configuration items independently from a Configuration Manager 2007 full backup, and it can also be used to transfer configuration items from one Configuration Manager 2007 site to another.

Export configuration items from the site in which they were created. You cannot export configuration items that have been imported or inherited from a parent site. These configuration items display with the lock symbol, and when they are selected, the option to export configuration data will not be available.

To export configuration items

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Desired Configuration Management / Configuration Items.

  2. Right-click the configuration item that you want to export, and then select Export Configuration Data.

  3. In the Save As dialog box, type in a file name for the saved configuration items and then click Save.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each configuration item that you want to export.

    You cannot export to the same file and append the configuration information; instead, you must save to a different file for each export. Exporting a configuration baseline allows you to export multiple configuration items into a single file.

See Also