Use the Interaction tab to specify how Configuration Manager 2007 clients will be notified and interact with the advertised task sequence.

The Interaction tab contains the following settings:

UI Element List

Allow users to run programs independently of assignments

Specifies if users will be able to run programs independently from the assignments. If you have specified that the advertisement is a mandatory assignment users will not be given the option to run the advertisement.
Display remainders according to the client agent reminder

Specifies if the user reminder will adhere to the client agent reminder settings. This option is available only if you have selected Allow users to run programs independently of assignments.
Use custom countdown notification length (minutes)

Specifies how long the custom countdown that is displayed to users will last in minutes.
Show task sequence progress

Specifies if the task sequence progress user interface will be visible to users.

Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also