You can view and change when the selected software updates will be evaluated on Configuration Manager 2007 NAP-capable clients. This setting can also be configured in the properties of the update under the Software Update node.

To stop a software update from being included in Network Access Protection (NAP) evaluation, delete the policy by selecting it in the Policies node and pressing the Delete key. This will not delete any software update deployments or packages.

If you do not have a System Health Validator point for computers in this site, non-compliant computers in this site cannot have NAP policies enforced and cannot be restricted through Network Access Protection.

This tab contains the following elements:

As soon as possible

Select whether you want to include an NAP evaluation as soon as possible.
Date and time

Select a date and time on the client when the NAP policy becomes effective.

Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes, and remains in the dialog box.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also