The Operating System Deployment home page displays Advertisement Status information and links to resources.
Advertisement Status Window
The Advertisement Status window displays a list of the ten most active advertisements of task sequences over the specified period of time. The default time period is seven days, but you can select one day or thirty days as the display period from the list box. For each advertisement, the Advertisement Status window displays the following information:
- Advertisement - The name of the
- Total - The total number of computers
that have received the advertised task sequence.
- Not Started - The number of computers
that have not yet run the advertisement.
- Waiting - The number of computers that
have scheduled the advertisement to run
- Running - The number of computers
running the advertisement (as of the last time that information was
reported by the computer to Configuration Manager 2007).
- Succeeded - The number of computers
that returned a success code after running the advertisement.
- Failed - The number of computers that
returned a failure code after running the advertisement.
- Retrying - The number of computers
that have restarted the advertisement.
- Percent Completed - The percentage of
computers that ran the advertisement and reported either a success
or failure.
- Percent Completed - Using a progress
bar displays the percentage of computers that ran the advertisement
and reported either a success or failure.
If you have enabled a reporting point for your Configuration Manager 2007 site, you can click the advertisement in the Advertisement Status window to run a report that provides additional details about the advertisement.
Links and Resources Window
The Links and Resources window displays a list of Navigation links, Web Reports, and Resources that can assist you to find additional information about operating system deployments in your Configuration Manager 2007 site.