This group has the necessary permissions for a sender to connect from one Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 site to another.

Required rights and permissions

This group must have all permissions except Take Ownership and Change Permissions on the SMS\Inboxes\\Receive folder on the destination site server, which could be a parent site, child site, or grandchild site server.

Group Location

The group is created on the Configuration Manager 2007 site server.

Type of Group

If the site server is a member server, it is a local group. If the site server is a domain controller, it is a domain local group.

Group Membership

Any site address accounts you configure should be members of this group instead of granting those accounts direct permissions.

If you are using the site server computer$ account instead of a site address account, add the computer account of the computer initiating the connection to the Site to Site Connection group on the computer receiving the connection. This means that all child site servers should be added to the Site to Site Connection group on the parent site. Parent site server computer accounts should be added to the Site to Site Connection group on all direct children. If you plan to specify addresses to connect from a site to a grandchild site, add the grandparent site server computer account to the Site to Site Connection group on the grandchild site.

During installation of a secondary site, Configuration Manager 2007 automatically adds the computer account of the parent site to the Site to Site Connection group on the secondary site. If you initiate the installation of the secondary site from the parent site, Configuration Manager 2007 also adds the computer account of the secondary site to the Site to Site Connection group on the parent site.