Use the Security page in the Configuration Manager 2007 New Package Wizard to specify the security rights individual users have on both this class and the specific package.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.

UI Element List

Name Description

Class security rights

Specifies the user accounts and security permissions set for the package object class. This applies to all packages within the Software Distribution node.

It is important to note that any changes made here will be applied to the entire package object class.

The following options are available for managing package class security rights:

  • New icon: Click to open the Object Class Security Rights Properties dialog box and grant security rights to a user account for the package object class.

  • Properties icon: Click to open the Object Class Security Rights Properties dialog box to view or modify the current security permissions granted for the package object class.

  • Delete icon: Click to delete all security rights for a specific user account for the package object class.

    Deleting a user's object class security rights will also delete those rights on all instances of this class.

The following columns are displayed for users who currently have security rights for this class:

  • Name: Specifies each user name that currently has security rights for the package object class.

  • Permissions: Specifies the permissions that each user has been granted for the package object class.

Instance security rights

Specifies the user accounts and security permissions set for this specific package instance.

The following options are available for managing package instance security rights:

  • New icon: Click to open the Instance Security Rights Properties dialog box and grant security rights to a user account for this package instance.

  • Properties icon: Click to open the Instance Security Rights Properties dialog box to view or modify the current security permissions granted for this package instance.

  • Delete icon: Click to delete all security rights for a specific user account for the <package name> instance.

The following columns are displayed for users who currently have security rights for this instance:

  • Name: Specifies each user name that currently has security rights for this package instance.

  • Permissions: Specifies the permissions that each user has been granted for this package instance.


Goes to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.


Discards the settings and exits the wizard.

See Also