The Configuration Manager 2007 Run Advertised Programs dialog box displays information about the programs currently advertised to the client computer.

The Run Advertised Programs dialog box contains the following elements.


Select a type of program to view, such as Software Distribution or Operating System Deployment programs, or view all advertised programs using the All Areas option.

Select a category to show programs belonging only to a certain group within the selected Area list.
Program list

Displays a list of programs matching the criteria used in the Area and Category drop-down list boxes.
Next Run Time

Indicates the next time each program in the list is scheduled to run automatically. Clicking Next Run Time sorts the list in either ascending or descending order.
Last Run Time

Indicates the last time each program in the Program Name list ran. Clicking Last Run Time sorts the list in either ascending or descending order.
Last Status

Indicates the most recently reported state of a running program, whether a program ran previously, and the outcome of a program previously run. Clicking Last Status displays program status in either ascending or descending order.
Details button

Displays the estimated disk space and other detailed information about the selected program.
Run button

Downloads and runs the selected program.
Close button

Closes the Run Advertised Programs dialog box. Programs already selected to run will not be affected by closing this box.

See Also