The Asset Intelligence Synchronization point site system role is used to connect Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 sites to System Center Online to synchronize Asset Intelligence catalog information. The Asset Intelligence synchronization point can only be installed on a site system located in the central site of a Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 hierarchy and requires Internet access to synchronize with System Center Online using TCP port 443.

Applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and later.

In addition to downloading new Asset Intelligence catalog information, the Asset Intelligence Synchronization point can upload custom software title information to System Center Online for categorization. All software titles uploaded to System Center Online for categorization will be treated as public information by Microsoft. Therefore, you should ensure that your custom software titles do not contain confidential or proprietary information.

If a proxy server is required to connect to System Center Online, the connection certificate might also be deleted if the user account password expires for the account configured for proxy server authentication on the Proxy Server tab of the Asset Intelligence synchronization point site system properties.

Use the following procedure to install an Asset Intelligence synchronization point site system role.

To install an Asset Intelligence synchronization point site system role

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database (<site code> - <site name>) / Site Settings / Site Systems.

  2. Right-click the site system name to install the Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point site system role, and click New Roles to start the New Site Role Wizard.

    If the Configuration Manager console action pane is displayed, the New Site Role Wizard can also be started by clicking New Roles in the action pane.
  3. On the General page of the New Site Role Wizard, verify the existing site system settings, and click Next.

  4. On the System Role Selection page of the New Site Role Wizard, select Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point, and click Next.

  5. On the Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point Connection Settings page of the New Site Role Wizard for Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 sites, specify the path to the System Center Online authentication certificate (.pfx) file, and click Next. This step is not necessary for Configuration Manager 2007 SP2 sites because the connection certificate is automatically provisioned during site role installation.

    Because System Center Online accepts network traffic only over TCP port 443, the port settings cannot be configured on this page of the wizard.
  6. On the Asset Intelligence Synchronization Point Schedule page of the New Site Role Wizard, specify whether or not to enable synchronization on a schedule. If you select to enable scheduled Asset Intelligence catalog synchronization with System Center Online, you can also specify a simple or custom synchronization schedule.

  7. On the Summary page of the New Site Role Wizard, review the settings you have specified to ensure they are correct before continuing. To make changes to any settings, click Previous until you return to the appropriate page, make the change, and return to the Summary page.

See Also