You can add new device drivers to an existing operating system image using the task sequence editor. To allow Configuration Manager 2007 to search in the driver catalog for the new device drivers you should add the Auto Apply Drivers task sequence step to an existing task sequence. The auto apply driver task sequence step will search in the Configuration Manager 2007 existing driver categories for the most appropriate device driver to install with the operating system deployment. Configuration Manager 2007 will look in all available categories for the device driver. To limit the device driver search to specific categories, select Limit driver matching to only consider drivers in selected categories.
To add an existing driver package to an operating system you should add the Apply Driver Package task sequence step. This task sequence step will add all device drivers in a specified directory to the existing task sequence for use with the operating system deployment.
Use the procedure below to add device drivers to an existing operating system image using one of the Driver task sequence steps mentioned earlier
How to Add Drivers to an Operating System Image
In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Operating System Deployment / Task Sequences.
To open the task sequence in the task sequence editor, locate the task sequence in the list that contains the operating system image you want to add the device driver to. Right-click the task sequence and select Edit from the context menu. Alternatively, you can select the task sequence and click Edit in the Actions pane or select the Action menu and choose Edit.
To add the desired device driver task sequence step, select the task sequence group that you want to add the driver task sequence step to, or click the Add menu and select Drivers.
To allow Configuration Manager 2007 to search for the appropriate device drivers, add the Auto Apply Drivers task sequence step. Configuration Manager 2007 will search available driver categories for the appropriate device drivers. To allow Configuration Manager 2007 to add a driver package, add the Apply Driver Package task sequence step. This option will allow Configuration Manager 2007 to install only device drivers from a specific category.
Specify the appropriate information on the Properties and Options tabs.
Click OK to save the task sequence.