Topic last updated—March 2008

Unknown computer support is an operating system deployment feature in Configuration Manager 2007 R2 that allows unmanaged systems to be discovered and receive operating system deployment.

The information in this topic applies only to Configuration Manager 2007 R2 and Configuration Manager 2007 R3.

Before enabling unknown computer support for operating system deployment, ensure the site system meets all prerequisites for unknown computer support.The following table provides information and links about Configuration Manager 2007 prerequisites for the operating system deployment unknown computer support feature.

If you enable unknown computer support, any unknown computers that use PXE-initiated operating system deployments will attempt to run mandatory task sequences. Mandatory task sequences that include operations such as Apply Operating System Image or Format and Partition disk will destroy all data on those unknown systems.

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Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and Configuration Manager 2007 R2

The site server must have both Configuration Manager 2007 SP1 and Configuration Manager 2007 R2 installed.

Configuration Manager 2007 operating system deployment

The Configuration Manager site must be configured to support operating system deployment. For more information, see Prerequisites for Operating System Deployment and Configuring Operating System Deployment.

Use the following procedures to enable unknown computer support either for a PXE service point or for bootable media.

To enable unknown computer support for a PXE service point

  1. In the Configuration Manager 2007 console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> - <site name> / Site System /, and then click the site name of the server. If the site server has not been enabled as a PXE service point, see How to Configure the PXE Service Point.

  2. In the results pane, right-click ConfigMgr PXE Service Point, and then select Properties to open the ConfigMgr PXE Service Point Properties dialog box.

  3. Click the General tab, select the Enable unknown system support check box, and then click OK.

To enable unknown computer support for bootable media

  1. In the Configuration Manager 2007 console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Operating System Deployment / Task Sequences.

  2. Right-click Task Sequences, and then select Create Task Sequence Media to open the Task Sequence Media Wizard.

  3. On the Select Media Type page, select Bootable media, and then click Next.

  4. On the Media Type page, select the media type and file parameters, and then click Next.

  5. Select the Enable unknown computer support check box, and complete the rest of the security settings for the bootable media. Click Next.

  6. Specify the boot image and distribution point for the boot image, and then click Next.

  7. Finish the Task Sequence Media Wizard. The bootable media can now be used to deploy operating systems to unknown computers.

See Also