Topic last updated—November 2007
There are a number of log files you can reference to help troubleshoot client issues in Configuration Manager 2007. These are located on both the client computer and the Configuration Manager 2007 site server.
Configuration Manager Client Computer Log Files
The Configuration Manager 2007 client log files can be found in one of the following locations:
- On client computers that serve as management
points, the client log files are located in the
%programFiles%\SMS_CCM\Logs folder.
- On all other computers, the client log files
are located in the %Windir%\System32\CCM\Logs folder.
The following table lists and describes the client computer log files.
Log file name | Description |
CcmExec.log |
Records activities of the client and the SMS Agent Host service. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client is corrupted or not functioning. For example, this log file applies to a scenario where the client cannot communicate with a management point. |
CertificateMaintenance.log |
Records certificate maintenance for Active Directory Domain Services and management points. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client cannot communicate with a management point or with Active Directory Domain Services. |
ClientIDManagerStartup.log |
Records the creation and maintenance of client GUIDS and also the registration status of the client computer. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client changes its GUID after a hardware change or after Windows activation. |
ClientLocation.log |
Records site assignment tasks. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client is not assigned to a Configuration Manager 2007 site. |
DataTransferService.log |
Records Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) communications for policy or package access. Can help to troubleshoot client communication and policy signing issues. |
InternetProxy.log |
Records proxy server detection status for Internet-based client management. Can help to troubleshoot client connectivity issues for Internet-based client computers. |
LocationServices.log |
Records attempts to find management points and distribution points. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client cannot find a management point or distribution point. |
PolicyAgent.log |
Records policy requests using the Data Transfer service. Can help to troubleshoot policy request problems. |
PolicyAgentProvider.log |
Records policy changes. Can help to troubleshoot policy request problems or Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) errors. |
PolicyEvaluator.log |
Records new policy settings. Can help to troubleshoot policy override issues. |
StatusAgent.log |
Records status messages that are created by the client components. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the client cannot send status to the management point. |
Configuration Manager Site Server Log Files
The Configuration Manager 2007 site server log files can be found in the folder <InstallationPath>\Logs on the site server. The following table lists and describes the site server log files.
Log file name | Description |
Ccm.log |
Records client configuration manager tasks. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where the site cannot connect to computers because of permissions or name resolution. |
Fspmgr.log |
Records fallback status point activities. Can help to troubleshoot problems with the fallback status point. |
Hman.log |
Records site configuration changes, and publishes site information in Active Directory Domain Services. Can help to troubleshoot site control serial number or delta serial number issues, or scenarios where the site cannot publish site information to Active Directory Domain Services. |
Mpcontrol.log |
Records the registration of the management point with WINS. Records the availability of the management point every 10 minutes. Can help to troubleshoot possible Internet Information Services (IIS) issues if the management point is unavailable. |
Policypv.log |
Records updates to the Advanced Client policies to reflect changes to client settings or advertisements. Can help to troubleshoot scenarios where policy updates do not occur after you make changes to advertisements or to client settings. |
Sitecomp.log |
Records maintenance of the installed site components. Can help to troubleshoot upgrade issues, registry or file system permission issues, or scenarios where the site cannot publish site information to Active Directory Domain Services. |
Client Setup Log Files
Information on the client information can be found in the client setup log files located in the folder %windir%\system32\CCMSetup on the client computer. The following table lists and describes the client setup log files.
Log file name | Description |
CCMSetup.log |
Records setup tasks performed by CCMSetup. Can be used to troubleshoot client installation problems. |
Client.msi.LOG |
Records setup tasks performed by client.msi. Can be used to troubleshoot client installation problems. |