These task sequence variables govern the operation of the task sequence action. Variables marked as input variables are read or used by the task sequence action. In most cases, input variables correspond to task sequence action fields in the task sequence editor and can be set via that user interface. Alternatively, input variables can be set at runtime from per-collection or per-computer variables, via the Set Task Sequence Variable action or via the TSEnvironment COM object. Variables marked as output variables are written or set by the task sequence action to be read by later actions in the task sequence.

Request State Store Task Sequence Action

Action Variable Name Description



Specifies whether the task sequence step should use the Network Access Account as a fallback when the computer account fails to connect to the state migration point.

Valid values:


"false" (default)



Specifies the number of times that the task sequence step should try to find a state migration point before failing.

The specified count must be between 0 and 600.



Specifies the number of seconds that the task sequence step should wait between retry attempts. The number of seconds can be a maximum of 30 characters.



The UNC path to the folder on the State Migration Point where the user state should be saved or restored.

See Also