Use the Configure Validation dialog box to configure the validation criteria and noncompliance severity level for a configuration item's objects and settings.
This tab contains the following elements:
- Name
- Specifies the name of the validation. A unique name will be generated automatically. You can overwrite this with a name you choose. The name should be unique and descriptive.
- Description
- Specifies the description for the validation. The description should give an overview of the validation criteria and other relevant information that helps identify it among other validations in the Configuration Manager 2007 console.
- Setting/Property
- Displays the name of the setting or object property for which the validation rule is being configured.
- Operator
- Specifies one of the following operators. The available
operators depend on the data type of the setting/property and might
- Equals
- Not equals
- One of
- Greater than
- Less than
- Between
- None of
- Greater than or equal to
- Less than or equal to
- Equals
- Value
- Specifies the value to use with the selected Operator.
You cannot include Windows environment variables in the validation criteria.
- Specifies an optional additional value to use with the selected Operator. This item is only displayed if the operator is set to Between.
- Expression
- Displays the complete validation rule expression by
concatenating the contents of the following fields:
- Setting/Property
- Operator
- Value
- And (if operator is set to
- Second Value (if operator is set to
- Setting/Property
- Severity
- Specifies the severity value if validation fails on client computers. This severity level will be displayed in conjunction with the non-compliance status.Available severity levels:Information - no Windows event message: Client computers that are out of compliance with this validation will not raise Windows events to record this event but will still report a non-compliance status in Configuration Manager 2007.Information: Client computers that are out of compliance with this validation will raise the Windows event type of Information. In addition, these computers will record this severity status in conjunction with their noncompliance status in Configuration Manager 2007.Warning: Client computers that are out of compliance with this validation will raise the Windows event type of Warning. In addition, these computers will record this severity status in conjunction with their noncompliance status in Configuration Manager 2007.Error: Client computers that are out of compliance with this validation will raise the Windows event type of Error. In addition, these computers will record this severity status in conjunction with their noncompliance status in Configuration Manager 2007.
- OK
- Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.
- Cancel
- Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.
- Help
- Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.