Use the Assign Program page in the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Distribute Software to Devices Wizard to specify whether the program should be assigned for mobile devices. Assigning a program causes it to become mandatory. An assigned program will automatically run if it has not already been run on a mobile device.

This page contains the elements described in the following table.

UI Element List

No. Do not assign this program.

Specifies that the program will not be made mandatory for mobile devices. If this option is selected, all other fields on this page will be unavailable.
Yes. Assign this program.

Specifies that the program will be mandatory for mobile devices. If this option is selected, all other fields on this page will be available.
Recurrence pattern

Specifies whether the scheduled even occurs only once or on a specific interval.
  • None. The assigned program will run only once.

  • Interval. The assigned program will run on a specified interval

Recur every

Specifies the interval that the program runs. Specify the number of the frequency and interval of minutes, hours or days.
Rerun this advertisement when the program or advertisement details change

Specifies whether the advertisement is rerun if the program or advertisement details change.

Goes to the previous page of the wizard.

Goes to the next page of the wizard.

Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.

Discards the settings and exits the wizard.
If an assigned package distribution containing a .cab file is set to recur Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2003 users will be informed each time during .cab file installation.

See Also