Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Mobile Device Management includes a set of predefined packages that help administrators with core tasks. These packages perform functions that many administrators of mobile device networks require. These predefined packages include the program for the task they perform.

Package from Definition

The following package definitions are available for mobile device management:

  • Device Management Client Transfer--Transfers a mobile device client deployment folder to Configuration Manager 2007 computer clients. Once the Device Management Client Transfer package is deployed to the desktop computer, the mobile device client will be transferred to a mobile device and installed when a mobile device is synchronized with the desktop computer.

  • Device Management Inventory Extension--Extends the hardware inventory of Configuration Manager 2007 client computers to report whether they synchronize with mobile devices using ActiveSync (Microsoft Windows XP and earlier) or Microsoft Windows Mobile Device Center (the Windows Vista operating system). This also provides Configuration Manager 2007 administrators with information about when the mobile device last synchronized with the computer client.

  • Remove Device Management Client Transfer--Removes the Device Client Transfer package from Configuration Manager 2007 computer clients.

  • Remove Device Management Inventory Extension--Removes the Device Management Inventory Extension package from Configuration Manager 2007 computer clients.

For more information about using and deploying defined packages for mobile devices, see About Package Definition Files.


To create a package from definition, perform the following steps:

To create a package from definition

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Software Distribution / Packages.

  2. Right-click Packages, navigate to New, and then click Package from Definition. The Create Package from Definition Wizard opens.

  3. Follow the steps of the Create Package from Definition Wizard to create a package from definition.

See Also