The Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) Connector home page displays information that will assist administrators with determining device driver and application compatibility status.

Application Compatibility Toolkit Connector Summary Window

The ACT Connector Summary window displays the compatibility assessment information for Devices and Computers and associated device drivers. For each device and computer, the ACT Connector Summary window displays the following information:

  • Name - The name of the type of object that was assessed.

  • Total - The total number of computers or devices that have been summarized.

  • Action Required - Displays the computers or devices that require administrator action to be compatible with Windows Vista.

  • Windows Vista Ready - Displays the computers or devices that are compatible with Windows Vista.

  • Device Driver Availability - Displays a graph that indicates what portion of computers and devices meet Windows Vista system device driver requirements. The graph displays the following status categories:

    1. Windows Vista Ready - Indicates the required device driver is available with Windows Vista or in the Configuration Manager 2007 driver catalog.

    2. Action Required - Indicates the required device drivers are not available with Windows Vista or in the Configuration Manager 2007 driver catalog. You can use associated reports to determine location of required device drivers if known.

    3. Unknown - Indicates Configuration Manager 2007 and ACT are unable to determine the device driver status for this device.

  • Application Compatibility - Displays a graph that indicates what portion of computers and devices meet Windows Vista system application requirements. The graph displays the following status categories:

    1. Action Required – Indicates the ACT My Assessment status is either the yellow exclamation point which means there are minor issues, or the red "X" icon which means there are major issues.

    2. Unknown - Indicates that no ACT My Assessment status is selected. This value is blank in ACT.

    3. Windows Vista Ready - Indicates the ACT My Assessment status is a green check mark icon which means all applications work properly and function as expected.

  • Recommended System Requirements - Displays a graph that indicates what portion of computers and devices meet Windows Vista recommended system requirements. The graph displays the following status categories:

    1. Action Required - Indicates the computer does not meet Windows Vista recommended system requirements for processor speed, drive space, or memory.

    2. Unknown - Indicates that no ACT My Assessment status is selected. This value is blank in ACT.

    3. Windows Vista Ready - Indicates the ACT My Assessment status is a green check mark icon which means all applications work properly and function as expected.

Links and Resources Window

The Links and Resources window displays a list of Navigation links, Web Reports, and Resources that can assist you to find additional information about operating system deployments in your Configuration Manager 2007 site.

You can select the following default actions grouped under ACT Connector in the Actions pane. You can collapse the default actions by clicking the up arrow in the Boot Images section header.

UI Element List

Run Device Driver Synchronization

Initiates the Device Driver Synchronization dialog box. This action will synchronize device driver compatibility information with the Microsoft Corporation and the ACT community.
New Windows Vista Deployment Collection

Launches the New Windows Vista Deployment Collection Wizard which will allow you to crate a new Configuration Manager 2007 collection based on administrator defined criteria.

Refreshes the information displayed in the Results pane.

Launches the properties associated with the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) Connector node in the administrator console.