Use the Links tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 Report Properties dialog box to specify whether the report has a link to another target resource. The Links tab contains the following elements:
- Link type
- Specifies whether there is a link to a target resource. The
following link types and associated properties are available:
- No link: Specifies that this report
does not link to a target resource.
- Link to another report: Specifies that
this report links to another report. The following properties must
be configured:
- Report: Specifies the target report.
Click Select, choose from one of the reports in the
Select Report dialog box, and then click OK.
- Prompts: Specifies the prompts that
are configured for the target report. Double-click a prompt, select
the column number from this report that contains the data for the
prompt, and then click OK.
- Report: Specifies the target report.
Click Select, choose from one of the reports in the
Select Report dialog box, and then click OK.
- Link to Computer Details: Specifies
that this report links to the Computer Details page that
provides more information about a specific computer. In the
Computer name column text box, type the column number from
this report that contains computer names.
- Link to Status Message Details:
Specifies that this report links to the Status Message
Details page that provides more information about a specific
status message. In the RecordID text box, type the column
number from this report that contains the record ID value for
status messages.
- Link to URL: Specifies that this
report links to a URL resource. In the URL text box, type
the URL path.
- No link: Specifies that this report
does not link to a target resource.
- OK
- Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.
- Cancel
- Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.
- Apply
- Saves the changes, and remains in the dialog box.
- Help
- Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.