Use the Delete Collection Wizard in Configuration Manager 2007 to delete a collection as well as to display the properties of the collection you want to delete. Reviewing this information can help you determine the effects of deleting the collection.

If the collection you are deleting is linked to another collection, the Delete Collection Wizard will present you with an abbreviated version of the wizard. In this version, you will be asked only if you want to delete this instance of the collection. If you choose to delete this instance, other instances of the collection will not be affected. Additionally, because at least one other instance of the collection will still be present, the deletion effects covered by this wizard do not apply.

Click the related link below for detailed information about each wizard page in the Delete Collection Wizard.

In This Section

Delete Effects Page

Specifies whether or not to display the effects of deleting the specified collection prior to deleting it.
Subcollections Page

Specifies details of the subcollections associated with the collection that will be deleted.
Advertisements Page

Specifies details on the advertisements associated with the collection that will be deleted.
Baselines Page

Specifies details on the baselines associated with the collection that will be deleted.
Deployments Page

Specifies details on any deployments associated with the collection that will be deleted.
Templates Page

Specifies details on any templates associated with the collection that will be deleted.
Queries Page

Specifies details on any queries that will be affected by deleting the collection.
Membership Rules Page

Specifies details on other collections that will be affected by deleting this collection, due to the removal of associated query rules for membership.
Administrators Page

Specifies details on administrators who will be affected by deleting the collection.
Delete Collection Confirmation Page

Specifies whether or not, after reviewing the effects, you want to delete or keep the collection.
Completing the Wizard Page

Specifies that you have provided the information needed by the wizard and confirms that you want to delete the package.

See Also