Use this tab to view, add, or modify a query result attribute and to determine whether query results for this attribute are sorted. You can also determine in what order the query results are sorted.
- Attribute
- Displays the attribute class, optional alias, and attribute for this query result. Click Select to specify an attribute.
- Select
- Opens the Select Attribute dialog box, which you can use to specify an attribute.
- Sort
- Selects a sort order for the attribute.
- Unsorted
- Results are not sorted. This is the default setting.
- Ascending
- Results are sorted in ascending order.
- Descending
- Results are sorted in descending order.
Sorting and grouping of array attributes are not supported. If you select any of the following array attributes, then the results data cannot be sorted based on those attributes: - Package: Icon
- Program: Icon
- System Resource: Agent Name, Agent Site,
Agent Time, IP Addresses, IP Subnets, IPX Addresses, IPX Network
NUmbers, MAC Addresses, Resource Names, SMS Assigned Sites, SMS
Installed Sites, System Roles
- User Resource: Agent Name, Agent Site, Agent
Time, SMS Assigned Sites
- Package: Icon