You define how often and when a Configuration Manager 2007 client evaluates its statement of health by selecting whether to use coordinated universal time, selecting or deselecting the option Force a fresh scan for each evaluation, and specifying a schedule for NAP evaluation.
To configure Network Access Protection (NAP) evaluation settings:
In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Site Management / <site code> – <site name>/ Site Settings / Client Agents.
Right-click Network Access Protection Client Agent, and then click Properties.
On the Evaluation tab, select or deselect the option UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), depending on whether you want the effective date in Configuration Manager NAP policies to be coordinated universal time, or local time.
On the Evaluation tab, select or deselect the option Force a fresh scan for each evaluation.
Click Simple schedule and Run every to configure a simple schedule, or click Custom schedule and then click Schedule to configure a custom schedule with an optional start date and recurrence pattern.
Click OK.
For information about the options in the Network Access Protection Client Agent Properties, Evaluation tab, see Network Access Protection Client Agent Properties: Evaluation Tab