Use the General tab of the Configuration Manager 2007 ConfigMgr Distribution Point Server Share Properties dialog box to specify the settings for a server share distribution point in the Configuration Manager site. This tab can also be used to add the distribution role to a new or existing distribution point group.

The General tab contains the following elements:

Allow clients to transfer content from this distribution point using BITS, HTTP, and HTTPS

Specifies whether clients connecting to this distribution point can transfer contents using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), HTTP, or HTTPS. This option must be selected to enable BITS network throttling on this distribution point.Because Internet-based client management does not support distribution points that are site system shares, the option Allow intranet-only client connections is not configurable. For more information about Internet-based client management, see Prerequisites for Internet-Based Client Management and Deploying Configuration Manager Sites to Support Internet-Based Clients.
Allow clients to connect anonymously (Required for mobile device clients)

Mobile devices require this option to be configured when the site is in mixed mode. This option is not configurable when the site is in native mode. For more information about mixed and native modes in Configuration Manager 2007, see Configuration Manager Site Modes.
Group Membership

Specifies the distribution point groups present in the Configuration Manager site and indicates whether the current site system is currently a member of each group.The following options are available for managing these distribution point groups:
  • New icon: Opens the Distribution Point Group dialog box to add a new distribution point group for the Configuration Manager site. When a new group is created, the current site system will be added to that group by default.

  • Properties icon: Opens the Distribution Point Group dialog box for the selected group to view or modify this distribution point's membership in the group.

  • Delete icon: Deletes a specific group from the Configuration Manager site. If this option is selected, a confirmation dialog will appear before the distribution point group is actually deleted.

  • Membership icon: Includes or excludes this site system from the selected distribution point group.

The following columns are displayed for each distribution point displayed:
  • Member: Specifies whether the current site system is included in the selected distribution point group.

  • Group: Specifies the name of the selected distribution point group.


Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes and remains in the dialog box.

See Also