Use the Package page in the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Distribute Software to Devices Wizard to specify whether to create a new package or distribute an existing package to clients.
This page contains the elements described in the following table.
UI Element List
- Create a new package from definition
- Specifies that the wizard will create a new package from a package definition file prior to distributing the software. If selected, the wizard will open pages similar to those of the Create Package from Definition Wizard
- Create a new package and program
- Specifies that the wizard will create a new package and program prior to distributing the software. If selected, the wizard will open pages similar to those of the New Package Wizard and the New Program Wizard.
- Select an existing Package
- Specifies the package that contains the program that will be
advertised to mobile device clients. This field is required.Click
the Browse button to open the Select a Package dialog
box. Select the desired package, and click OK to choose the
Only one package may be selected at a time. - Package: Specifies the name of the
given package.
- Package ID: Specifies the ID of the
package. This is the name of the .xml file associated with the
- Last refresh time: Specifies the date
and time the package was last refreshed.
- Comment: Specifies the description or
comments included in the package when it was created.
- Package: Specifies the name of the
given package.
- Previous
- Goes to the previous page of the wizard.
- Next
- Goes to the next page of the wizard.
- Finish
- Goes to the Summary page of the wizard.
- Cancel
- Discards the settings and exits the wizard.