When a client computer in Configuration Manager 2007 has downloaded assigned configuration baselines and evaluated its compliance with them, it reports the compliance results to its assigned site. You can view the compliance information with a choice of procedures:

To view the compliance of a computer by running a report

  1. In the Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reports.

  2. In the Reports node, click the Category column to sort the reports so that you can more easily find the reports relating to desired configuration management.

  3. Right-click the report Compliance for a computer by baseline, and click Run.

  4. In the Computer Name text box, type the computer name or click Values to select it from a list.

  5. Click Display to view the report. The list of configuration baselines displays, along with an indication of whether the computer was compliant or non-compliant with each configuration baseline. For more details about which configuration item was out of compliance, drill down into each configuration baseline to view the report Compliance details for a configuration baseline.

  6. Close the report.

To view the compliance of a computer using Systems Management on the client computer

  1. Navigate Configuration Manager in the Control Panel of the client computer, and double-click it to open its properties.

  2. Click the Configurations tab, and view the list of assigned configuration baselines.

  3. View the Compliance State column for each configuration baseline:

    • Compliant: The client computer is in compliance with the evaluated configuration baseline.

    • Non-Compliant: The client computer is out of compliance with the evaluated configuration baseline.

    • Unknown: The client computer has not yet run evaluation of the configuration baseline. If required, initiate evaluation outside the compliance evaluation schedule by selecting the configuration baselines to evaluate, and then click Evaluate.

    If you have local administrator privileges on the client computer, you can view details of each evaluated configuration baseline to determine which configuration item is reporting a non-compliant status. To do this, select the configuration baseline, and then click View Report.
  4. Click OK

    For more information about the options in the Configurations tab, see Configuration Manager Properties: Configurations Tab.

See Also