The Configuration Manager 2007 Configuration Baseline Properties dialog box displays information about a configuration baseline created in the Create Configuration Baseline Wizard or imported in the Import Configuration Data Wizard, together with information about its relationship to other configuration baselines, its assignments, and its rules.

Click any link in the following section for detailed information about its associated tab in the Configuration Baseline Properties dialog box:

In This Section

Configuration Baseline Properties: General Tab

Specifies the name and description of the configuration baseline and displays its properties and assigned configuration categories.
Configuration Baseline Properties: Rules Tab

Specifies which configuration items and configuration baselines are referenced by this configuration baseline.
Configuration Baseline Properties: Relationships Tab

Displays which configuration baselines reference this configuration baseline.
Configuration Baseline Properties: Assignments Tab

Specifies which collections this configuration baseline has been assigned to.
Properties - Security Tab

Specifies the class and instance security for the configuration baseline.

See Also