Topic last updated—November 2007
Package definition files are scripts that you can use to help automate package creation with Configuration Manager 2007. They provide the essential information that Configuration Manager 2007 needs to distribute a particular type of file, except for the location of package source files. Each package definition file is an ASCII text file following a standard .ini file format and containing the following sections:
- [PDF]
- [Package Definition]
- [Program]
This section identifies the file as a package definition file and contains the following information:
- Version: Specifies the version of the
package definition file format used by the file, corresponding to
the version of System Management Server (SMS) or Configuration
Manager for which they were written. This entry is required.
[Package Definition]
This section of the package definition file specifies the overall properties of the package and provides the following information:
- Name: The name of the package, up
to 50 characters. This entry is required.
- Version: The version of the package,
up to 32 characters. This entry is optional.
- Icon: Specifies the file containing
the icon to use for this package. If used, this icon will replace
the default package icon in the Configuration Manager console. This
entry is optional.
- Publisher: The publisher of the
package, up to 32 characters. This entry is required.
- Language: The language version of the
package, up to 32 characters. This entry is required.
- Comment: An optional comment about the
package, up to 127 characters.
- ContainsNoFiles: This entry indicates
whether or not a source is associated with the package.
- Programs: Specifies the programs
defined for this package. Each program name corresponds to a
[Program] section in this package definition file. This
entry is required.
Programs=Typical, Custom, Uninstall
- MIFFileName: The name of the
Management Information Format (MIF) file that contains the package
status, up to 50 characters.
- MIFName: The name of the package (for
MIF matching), up to 50 characters.
- MIFVersion: The version number of the
package (for MIF matching), up to 32 characters.
- MIFPublisher: The software publisher
of the package (for MIF matching), up to 32 characters.
For each program specified in the Programs entry in the [Package Definition] section, the package definition file must include a section that defines that program. The file must contain a [Program] section for all programs contained within that package. This section provides the following information:
- Name: The name of the program, up
to 50 characters. This entry must be unique within a package
and is used when defining advertisements. On client computers, the
name of the program is shown in Run Advertised Programs in
Control Panel. This entry is required.
- Icon: Specifies the file containing
the icon to use for this program. If used, this icon will replace
the default program icon in the Configuration Manager console and
will be displayed on client computers when the program is
advertised. This entry is optional.
- Comment: An optional comment about the
program, up to 127 characters.
- CommandLine: Specifies the command
line for the program, up to 127 characters. The command is
relative to the package source folder. This entry is required.
- StartIn: The working folder for the
program, up to 127 characters. This entry can be an absolute
path on the client computer or a path relative to the package
source folder. This entry is required.
- Run: Specifies the program mode in
which the program will run. You can specify Minimized,
Maximized, or Hidden. If this entry is not included,
the program will run in normal mode.
- AfterRunning: Specifies any special
action that occurs after the program is completed successfully.
Options available are SMSRestart, ProgramRestart, or
SMSLogoff. If this entry is not included, the program will
not run a special action.
- EstimatedDiskSpace: Specifies the
amount of disk space that the software program requires to run on
the computer. This can be specified as Unknown (the default
setting) or as a whole number greater than or equal to zero. If a
value is specified, units for the value must also be specified.
- EstimatedRunTime: Specifies the
estimated time (in minutes) that the program is expected to run on
the client computer. This can be specified as Unknown (the
default setting) or as a whole number greater than zero.
- SupportedClients: Specifies the
processors and operating systems on which this program will run.
Each platform must be separated by a comma. If this entry is not
included with the package definition file, supported platform
checking will be disabled for this program.
- SupportedClientMinVersionX,
SupportedClientMaxVersionX: Specifies the beginning and
ending range for version numbers for the operating systems
specified in the SupportedClients entry.
Copy Code
SupportedClients=Win NT (I386),Win NT (IA64),Win NT (x64) Win NT (I386) MinVersion1=5.00.2195.4 Win NT (I386) MaxVersion1=5.00.2195.4 Win NT (I386) MinVersion2=5.10.2600.2 Win NT (I386) MaxVersion2=5.10.2600.2 Win NT (I386) MinVersion3=5.20.0000.0 Win NT (I386) MaxVersion3=5.20.9999.9999 Win NT (I386) MinVersion4=5.20.3790.0 Win NT (I386) MaxVersion4=5.20.3790.2 Win NT (I386) MinVersion5=6.00.0000.0 Win NT (I386) MaxVersion5=6.00.9999.9999 Win NT (IA64) MinVersion1=5.20.0000.0 Win NT (IA64) MaxVersion1=5.20.9999.9999 Win NT (x64) MinVersion1=5.20.0000.0 Win NT (x64) MaxVersion1=5.20.9999.9999 Win NT (x64) MinVersion2=5.20.3790.0 Win NT (x64) MaxVersion2=5.20.9999.9999 Win NT (x64) MinVersion3=5.20.3790.0 Win NT (x64) MaxVersion3=5.20.3790.2 Win NT (x64) MinVersion4=6.00.0000.0 Win NT (x64) MaxVersion4=6.00.9999.9999
- AdditionalProgramRequirements:
Optional text that can include any other information or
requirements for client computers, up to 127 characters.
- CanRunWhen: Specifies the user status
that the program requires to run on the client computer. Available
values are UserLoggedOn, NoUserLoggedOn, or
AnyUserStatus. The default value is UserLoggedOn.
- UserInputRequired: Specifies whether
the program requires interaction with the user to complete running.
Available values are True or False. The default value
is True. This entry is set to False if
CanRunWhen is not set to UserLoggedOn.
- AdminRightsRequired: Specifies whether
the program requires administrative credentials on the computer to
run. Available values are True or False. The default
value is False. This entry is set to True if
CanRunWhen is not set to UserLoggedOn.
- UseInstallAccount: Specifies whether
the program uses the Client Software Installation Account when
running on client computers. By default, this value is
False. This value is also False if CanRunWhen
is set to UserLoggedOn.
- DriveLetterConnection: Specifies
whether the program requires a drive letter connection to the
package files on the distribution point. You can specify
True or False. The default value is False,
which allows the program to use a Universal Naming Convention (UNC)
connection. When this value is set to True, the next
available drive letter will be used (starting with Z: and
proceeding backward).
- SpecifyDrive: Specifies a drive letter
that the program requires to connect to the package files on the
distribution point. Using this entry forces the use of the
specified drive letter for client connections to distribution
points. This entry is optional.
- ReconnectDriveAtLogon: Specifies
whether the computer reconnects to the distribution point when the
user logs on. Available values are True or False. The
default value is False.
- DependentProgram: Specifies a program
(in this package) that must run before the current program. This
entry uses the format
DependentProgram=<ProgramName>, where
<ProgramName> is the Name entry for that
program in the package definition file. If there are no dependent
programs, leave this entry empty.
- Assignment: How the program is
assigned to users. This value can be FirstUser (only the
first user who logs on runs the program) or EveryUser (every
user who logs on to the client runs the program). When
CanRunWhen is not set to UserLoggedOn, this entry is
set to FirstUser.
- Disabled: Specifies whether this
program can be advertised to clients. Available values are
True or False. The default value is False.