Topic last updated -- August 2007
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007 Mobile Device Management includes a self-test to determine whether the mobile device client is able to communicate with the Configuration Manager 2007 device management point. The Self Test URL is installed with the mobile device client during client installation.
To run the mobile device client self test perform the following steps:
To run the mobile device client self test
On the mobile device navigate to the \Temp folder. On Windows Mobile Smartphone 2003 navigate to the \Storage\Temp folder.
Run Self Test. A web browser window will open stating, “Performing Device Management Self Test in 5 Seconds. If your browser doesn’t automatically perform the self test, click here.”
If the browser does not perform the self test, click the link to perform the self test. If the device is communicating with device management point then a web page will display the following:
- Elapsed time (microseconds)
- ISAPI start time
- Site code
- Elapsed time (microseconds)
Self Test Results
If the mobile device is communicating correctly with the device management point the results will look like the following:
<?xml version=”1.0”?>
<PropList Name=SelfTest_DMP”>
Where [time] is the number of microseconds elapsed, , [ISAPI] is the start time in year-month-dayTtime format, and [SMS] is the site code of the Configuration Manager 2007 site.
If the self test results in an error then the Configuration Manager 2007 mobile device client is not able to communicate with the Configuration Manager 2007 mobile device management point. Use the browser error message information to troubleshoot the communication issue.