Enter configuration information for the domain or workgroup you plan to join.

Name Description

Join workgroup

Joins the computer to the specified workgroup. Enter the name of the workgroup in the space provided.

Join domain

Joins the computer to the specified domain. Click Browse to open the Select a Domain dialog box. The list of available domains is displayed in the Domains window.

Next, specify the Domain OU in the space provided, or click Browse to open the Browse for a Container dialog box. Expand the tree, and then specify the appropriate container.

This is an optional setting. It specifies the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) X.500-distinguished name of the organizational unit (OU) in which the computer account is created if it does not already exist.

Enter the account which has permission to join the domain

Allows you to enter an account and password that has permissions to join the specified domain. Click Set to open the Windows User Account dialog box, and enter the account in the following format:

Domain\User or %Variable%

You must enter the appropriate domain credentials if you plan to migrate either the domain settings or the workgroup settings.

See Also