Use the Column Values dialog box in Configuration Manager 2007 to select a value for a selected column that will be inserted into a SQL statement when creating the SQL statement for a report or report prompt.

The Column Values dialog box contains the following elements:


Specifies the highlighted view. This is a read-only setting.

Specifies the highlighted column. This is a read-only setting.

Specifies the values that are currently available for the highlighted view and column. Select a value from the list to insert into the SQL statement.
Values shown

Specifies the number of values that are available in the Values list.

Specifies whether a filter has been configured to limit the values that are displayed in the Values list.

Opens the Set Filter dialog box, where a filter can be configured to limit the values that are displayed in the Values list. For more information, see Set Filter Dialog Box.

Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also