Use the Options tab to configure specific settings for task sequence steps and groups, and to configure conditions that Configuration Manager 2007 must evaluate before running the task sequence step or group. You can enter options individually, or group them using the If Statement.

The following settings can be configured for the task sequence step:

Disable this step

When this option is enabled, Configuration Manager 2007 will not run this task sequence step or group. Disabling a group disables all task sequence steps or groups in that group. Use this option to temporarily comment out this step or group without having to remove it and recreate it.
Continue on error

A user-defined option that determines how the task sequence processes task sequence steps and groups that do not complete successfully.For a Task Sequence Step:
  • When a task sequence step completes successfully, the next sequential step in the task sequence is processed

  • When a task sequence step fails, and Continue on error is enabled, the error is ignored and the step is considered to have run successfully. The next sequential step in the task sequence is then processed.

  • When a task sequence step fails, and Continue on error is not enabled, all the remaining task sequence steps or sub-groups in the containing group are skipped, and the containing group is considered to have failed. Further processing of the task sequence is determined by the setting of the Continue on error option for the containing group. If there is no containing group, then the task sequence terminates with an error.

For a Task Sequence Group:A group completes successfully if the last step or sub-group in the group completes successfully or has Continue on error enabled.  In this case, the task sequence continues processing with the next sequential step in the task sequence.When a group fails (because a task sequence step or sub-group contained in the group fails), and Continue on error is enabled for the group, the task sequence continues processing with the next sequential step in the task sequence.When a group fails, and Continue or error is not enabled for the group, all remaining task sequence steps or sub-groups contained in the group are skipped, and the containing group is reported to have failed. Further processing of the task sequence is determined by the setting of the Continue on error option for the containing group. If there is no containing group, then the task sequence terminates with an error.Example 1: Continue on error is enabled for a task sequence step.If the task sequence step returns an error, Configuration Manager 2007 will continue processing the remaining task sequence steps whether the task sequence step is contained in a group, or is stand-alone in the task sequence.Example 2: Continue on error is not enabled for a task sequence step, and the task sequence step is a stand-alone step.If the task sequence step returns an error, Configuration Manager 2007 will stop processing the task sequence altogether.Example 3: Continue on error not enabled for a task sequence step, and the task sequence step is contained in a group.
  • If Continue on error is enabled for the group, and a task sequence step contained in the group returns an error, the remaining task sequence steps within the group are skipped. Configuration Manager 2007 will continue processing the task sequence with the next task sequence step or group after the affected group.

  • If Continue on error is not enabled for a top-level group, and a task sequence step contained in the group returns an error, then Configuration Manager 2007 will stop processing the task sequence altogether. If he group is contained within another group, the next task sequence step or group following the group that fails will be processed.

Add condition

Click Add Condition to add one or more optional conditional statements to the task sequence step for Configuration Manager 2007 to evaluate before running the step. If the conditional statement evaluates to true, the task sequence step runs. If the conditional statement evaluates to false, the task sequence step does not run.When a conditional statement is added for a task sequence group, conditional statement evaluates to true, the task sequence steps in the group are processed. If the conditional statement evaluates to false, all task sequence steps in the group and its subgroups are ignored.Use the If statement to combine two or more conditions. There are seven conditions that can be used with a task sequence step:
  • Task Sequence Variable

  • Operating System Version

  • File Properties

  • Folder Properties

  • Registry Setting

  • Query WMI

  • Installed Software

Example:When you create task sequences using the New Task Sequence Wizard, Operating System Deployment often configures groups with specific default conditions. For example, when you use the New Task Sequence Wizard to create an Install Image Task Sequence, the first group that is created is called Prepare and Capture Settings. The default condition for this setting is:This group/step will run if the following conditions are met: Task Sequence Variable SMSTSInWinPE equals "false"Continue of error is not enabled. Therefore, if the destination computer is not running Windows PE, the task sequence steps and groups contained in this group are ignored, and processing continues with the next task sequence or group.

This option deletes the selected condition from the list of conditions. This option is enabled when at least one condition is added to the condition list. If the selected condition is an If Statement, clicking Remove will delete the If Statement and all of its sub-conditions.
Remove all

This option deletes all conditions from the list of conditions. This option is enabled when at least one condition is added to the condition list.

See Also