This page contains the elements described in the following table.

Name Description

Allow clients to transfer content from this distribution point using BITS, HTTP, and HTTPS

Specifies whether clients connecting to this distribution point can transfer contents using Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), HTTP, or HTTPS. This option must be selected to enable BITS network throttling on this distribution point.

Because Internet-based client management does not support distribution points that are site system shares, the option Allow intranet-only client connections is not configurable. For more information about Internet-based client management, see Prerequisites for Internet-Based Client Management and Deploying Configuration Manager Sites to Support Internet-Based Clients.

Allow clients to connect anonymously (Required for mobile device clients)

Mobile devices require this option to be configured when the site is in mixed mode. This option is not configurable when the site is in native mode. For more information about native mode in Configuration Manager 2007, see Benefits of Using Native Mode.

New Button

Used to create a new distribution point group.

Properties Button

Used to view the properties of a selected distribution group.

Delete Button

Used to delete a selected distribution group.

Group Membership Button

Used to add or remove the distribution point from selected distribution groups.


Goes to the previous page of the wizard.


Goes to the next page of the wizard.


Goes to the summary page of the wizard


Discards the settings, and exits the wizard.

See Also