You can use Configuration Manager 2007 to manage settings for remote desktop sessions where these are initiated from the Configuration Manager console.

This tab contains the following elements:

Configure Remote Desktop Settings

Selecting this check box allows Configuration Manager 2007 to manage remote desktop sessions where these are initiated from the Configuration Manager console.
Allow permitted viewers to connect using Remote Desktop Connection

If selected, this option allows administrators in the remote tools Permitted viewers list to initiate remote desktop connections from the Configuration Manager console.
Require Network Level Authentication on computers running Windows Vista

Select this more secure option when you are running the Configuration Manager 2007 console on a computer running Windows Vista or later, or you have upgraded the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to a version that supports network level authentication. For more information about using RDP and network level authentication see the help topic What types of Remote Desktop connections should I allow in your Windows documentation.
Disable Remote Desktop Connection

If selected, this option disables use of remote desktop from the Configuration Manager console.

Saves the changes, and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Saves the changes, and remains in the dialog box.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also