Use the Select a Source Distribution Point dialog box in Configuration Manager 2007 to specify the distribution point from which the packages will be copied to the destination distribution points.

The Select a Package dialog box contains the following elements:

Distribution Points

Specifies the distribution points from which packages can be copied to the destination distribution point from, along with the option to select one or more of these distribution points.The following columns are displayed for each distribution point listed:
  • Name: Specifies the name of the distribution point.

  • Site: Specifies the site on which the distribution point is located.

  • Type: Specifies the type of distribution point, whether server, server share, or branch distribution point.

Select All

Selects all distribution points displayed in the list.
Clear All

Clears all selected distribution points displayed in the list.

Saves the changes and exits the dialog box.

Exits the dialog box without saving any changes.

Opens the help topic for this tab of the dialog box.

See Also


Select Packages Page

Other Resources

Copy Packages Wizard